Showing: 73 - 84 of 320 RESULTS

Just a Peek!

We had a very busy weekend, tons and tons of fun… but we were exposed to lots and lots of people. Michelle and I assumed SOMEONE would stumble upon a bug this weekend… and, as it turns out, the first to fall was BUG. He came down with a temp through the night so all …


Tools We Use

We get asked all the time about the tools we use while crafting. We are trying to compile a list of the items we feel are a must haves as well as some of the nice to haves ;). The format of this page may change as we play with it… but here a a …


Fairy Ribbon Rings

There is a joy in running free and dancing til you wear out your shoes! Running and dancing with Fairy Ribbon Rings makes the experience more delightful. Here are the very easy, non sewing directions for making your own Fairy Ribbon Rings. This is a great craft to do with your children, from picking out …


Fairy Ribbon Rings

It’s Autumn! Leaving are falling, the air is scented with delicious, woodsy aromas, and the secrets of the forest beckon to us all… child and adult alike. The only thing better than running through the leaves, is running through the leaves with fall colored ribbons streaming in the breeze! Another one of our… “These are so …

Yummy Recipes

Special Baked Beans

Last night’s Annual Pumpkin Carving was a blast! Even though the weather was uncooperative… a fine, misty drizzle… and we weren’t able to have a bonfire, our spirits weren’t dampened. There were pumpkin guts everywhere and so much good food, and promises of recipes, no one seemed to mind being damp! Today, however, was a …


Gourd Ghost Sculpture Desktop Wallpaper

As our Trick-or-Treat goodie for all our lovely readers, I just added our Gourd Ghost Sculpture to our free Desktop Wallpaper collection if you would like to update your computer for Halloween 🙂 Also, Kimara and I have a BIG party on Saturday that we are busy preparing for, so we’ll be on hiatus this weekend. If you’d like to hear about our …

*Clean Up

Gourd Ghost Sculpture

Saturday night is our 19th Annual Pumpkin Carving Party… I’ll tell you more about that later. But when the decorations were unpacked, a devastating discovery was made. Mice had gotten into one of the boxes and ate one of the family’s most beloved decorations… our Gourd Ghost Sculpture. I really find it hard to believe it …