Showing: 37 - 48 of 216 RESULTS

Renaissance Festival 2014

One of our family’s autumn traditions is enjoying a day at the Renaissance Festival. The last weekend of the season always includes a “school day” when the tickets are much more affordable and the crowds are much sparser. Although Daddy had to work this year, we convinced Gammy and Othy to join us in the …


Wrapped Rope Jewelry

I had some yarn left over from making this Tooterphant. It is NOT my pattern. HERE is the link to the Etsy shop where you can purchase the crochet pattern. HERE is the link to my blog post where you can find more photos of the Tooterphant plus directions for adding felt eyes.  Like I said, I had …

Coloring Pages Fall

Autumn Tree Coloring Page

Although autumn brings with it an array of new colors… oranges, gold, browns and maroons… filling our landscape with a bold splash of color… often our skies are dreary and gray. Thank goodness for all the colors in our trees and bushes. You can use today’s coloring page to try to reflect the realism of …


Rainbow Petal Skirt Knitting Pattern

Your little Fairy Girls will love this Rainbow Petal Skirt Knitting Pattern. This knit petal skirt is an easy pattern for beginning knitters to tackle. Each of the 7 petal sections are knit flat as individual pieces. When all the petal are complete they are whipped stitched together to form the skirt. Enjoy the petal …


Painted and Woven Stick Bouquet

Lately, there have been several stick crafts including painting sticks, weaving between and adorning with fiber and beads. My plan is to fill up this basket with an assortment of sticks. This project is far from done, but thought I’d share what I’ve done so far. To begin with, I want these sticks for my …

Fall Memories & Musings

The Printed Word

Forgive me Madonna for hijacking your song but… “You know that we are living in a digital world, and I am a digital girl.” Obviously, I spend a hefty chunk of each day using digital devices. Running our Wee Folk Art blog and Facebook page, means I’m at my computer a lot. Also, I do download …

Yummy Recipes

Blueberry Crisp

In Michelle’s home, Friday is baking day and it is incorporated into their school day. This Friday, Pixie wanted to make Blueberry Crisp. Blueberries are Pixie’s all-time favorite… well, maybe strawberries… actually, it’s probably a tie! Anyway, Friday was baking day, and Pixie wanted to come to Gammy’s house to bake. Whenever I cook with …