Showing: 13 - 20 of 20 RESULTS
Thicket Stories & Lore

Britta’s Lament

As Britta packed away the last of the Valentine decorations, she gave a heavy sigh. Britta, who’s plump cheeks were usually dimpled from her perpetual smile, was frowning. This was Britta’s least favorite time of year. It would be a few weeks before the flower fairies began to return to the Thicket, but the Thicket would …

Applique Patterns Directory Thicket Stories & Lore Valentine's Day

Gnome Valentine Banner and Applique Block

What a busy time in the Thicket. Britta is bustling around readying the house for a Valentines Party she is throwing for some friends. She just finished this lovely banner with flowering vines meandering over a Valentine’s heart. Although cold weather is still evident throughout the Thicket, hearts are warm with Valentine Cheer. There is no doubt that love is …

Memories & Musings Thicket Stories & Lore

Mischief and Mayhem

When the grandbabies went home yesterday, I stumbled upon this grisly scene! Bodies strewn about, furniture over turned, trees uprooted by their very roots! What could have caused such massive destruction? Upon closer inspection, the perpetrator of this gruesome massacre was discovered… (key foreboding music…) A T-Rex had entered the Thicket causing mischief, mayhem, and untold …

Thicket Stories & Lore

Flower Fairies

Britta awoke to the smell of hyacinths and daffodils. That could only mean one thing. Spring had finally come to The Thicket and the Flower Fairies had returned! Whether you have a gnome house or just a little nook and cranny that Flower Fairies would like to inhabit, these little sweeties are a welcome addition to …

Spring Thicket Stories & Lore

Where are the fairies?

There are 6 flower fairies frolicking among the flowers. Can you find them? Spring has hit the Thicket and the flower fairies have returned! Britta has been busy getting the house ready for the warmer months ahead. Over the next few weeks we will be sharing various projects for the Gnome House. Although we are …