Showing: 25 - 31 of 31 RESULTS

Lest We Forget

To all the men and women, that have given their lives for God and Country, our hearts and gratitude go out to you and your families. We will always hold dear your memory. In our own family, I would like to remember my Uncle Harry, lost in the Korean war, and my cousin Butchie, killed …

Fall Spring Summer Winter

A Year of Rip and Tear Napkins!

I bought this cabinet over ten years ago to hold my ever expanding collection of music cds. Designed for that purpose, it served me well. Then, in the past few years, I started buying my music online and was going to the cabinet less and less. Finally, I moved the collection downstairs and began using the cabinet …


Field Trip: Farmer’s Market

In some ways it seems silly to call a frequent activity a field trip, but since we did spend a few minutes more focused on the activity I believe it counts. We marveled at all the colors and smells. The kids were especially drawn to the beautiful, purple eggplant. It is just a glorious beginning …