THE APPLE TREE by Kimara Wise My garden’s full of many plants, I have a favorite, I can’t recant. The apple tree, above the rest, Brings greatest pleasure, I must attest. As a child I’d hide away, Among its branches I would sway. With book in hand my thoughts could soar, From castle walls to …
At Wee Folk Art we delight in the change of seasons. We welcome the cool weather that autumns brings, enjoy mugs of spiced apple cider, and pots of steaming soup. Throughout the fall we find ourselves crafting more fervently and baking more frequently. Spend some time with us this fall crafting, baking, and enjoying the harvest. Knit our fall leaves scarf, bake some pumpkin muffins, craft a felt leaves garland with the kids, or sew a autumn tree banner. Enjoy our fall crafts collection!
Apple Applique
Oh, to sing the praises of the apple. Not only are they yummy to eat and a healthy choice for a snack, they are down right cute! My very first research paper back in third grade was on The Apple. What can I say… apples and I go way back! Although not traditionally considered …
Wool Roving Needle Felted Acorns Ornament
Learn how to make these wool roving needle felted acorns today. They are fun to make and a cute way to bring nature indoors. We have turned our needle felted acorns into a rainbow of acorn ornaments. Using colorful wool roving and found acorn caps makes these a sweet nature craft. Holiday Decorating with Nature …
Our Fairy Welcomes Autumn
Just in time for our Annual Pumpkin Carving party, Fairy received her Earth in Autumn leaf mask from Mythical Designs. It is beyond lovely, and seems to magically transform our Fairy girl into a sprite of the season. Today we will be busily prepping for our autumn party, which like most celebrations includes baking, oh …
Cheerful Sunflower Applique Block
I have always loved sunflowers, I think that is why I love Vincent Van Gogh so much. To me sunflowers help make that transition from summer to autumn. We have many feeders in our yard, and we have found over time, the medium ground sunflowers are enjoyed by all our birds, from the smallest finch …
Nature Study :: Fungi / October 2014
This past week we worked on a fun Nature Study. I am hoping to have this turn into a fuller study, but if not, we did learn quite a bit in one afternoon and had a lot of fun. It started with fungi popping up all over our backyard, which happens every autumn and sometimes …
Stacking Pumpkins Coloring Page
Here’s another coloring page based on our October Applique Blocks. You can find your copy of the coloring page HERE. You can find the Stacked Pumpkin Applique Block HERE. Enjoy! .
Stacked Pumpkins Applique Block
I still have the Wisconsin grandbabies at the house so this will be a quick post. Pumpkins have become iconic… representing all the wonders of Autumn. Here, we have two stacked pumpkins, ready for picking. Whether we use pumpkins for jack-o-lanterns, for baking, for soups, for seeds or just for decorations, come autumn, you can …
October Applique Blocks
Here’s a collection of October Appliques… more cheery than scary… but just right for Halloween! In previous years we have shared the Black Bird and the Black Cat Applique Blocks. Over the next two weeks we will share the directions and patterns for the Stacked Pumpkins and the Cheery Sunflower Applique Blocks. And, for those …
Autumn Tree Coloring Page
Although autumn brings with it an array of new colors… oranges, gold, browns and maroons… filling our landscape with a bold splash of color… often our skies are dreary and gray. Thank goodness for all the colors in our trees and bushes. You can use today’s coloring page to try to reflect the realism of …
Autumn Tree Applique Block
One of the things I love so much about Folk Art is how it reduces things to their simplest forms… plus that extra dash of whimsy. Many of the projects on Wee Folk Art are in that style, including this very simplistic Autumn Tree Applique Block. Although using very simple shapes, this tree conveys …
The Printed Word
Forgive me Madonna for hijacking your song but… “You know that we are living in a digital world, and I am a digital girl.” Obviously, I spend a hefty chunk of each day using digital devices. Running our Wee Folk Art blog and Facebook page, means I’m at my computer a lot. Also, I do download …