Showing: 229 - 240 of 671 RESULTS

Out With the Old, In With the New?

January 2. The house is unbelievably quite. The children are all gone, the hubby is back to work, and after a VERY quick glimpse at CNN, I find myself back at the computer, after a 2 week hiatus. I scan Pinterest, looking for my daily dose of inspiration, and find myself strangely apathetic. Of course, …


Waiting for Baby

In case you haven’t read the news on Facebook yet. We had a false alarm… no baby to report yet. Baby and mom are doing fine… baby is just content to stay put for the moment, so we wait. Gammy (aka Kimara) packed up and headed out of state earlier than she had planned but …


Starting Our Harvest Time Curriculum

  This week we are beginning our Harvest Time Curriculum with Pixie. Of course, Fairy and Bug will participate in many of the hands-on activities. Pixie has gone through the unit two years ago, but we are looking forward to doing it again with her. She will have a totally different experience this time around. …


Final Reminder

One last reminder… Wee Folk Art Market Place will be closing tomorrow, and we are not sure when it will reopen online. If you want to place an order, make sure you do it today 🙂 Tomorrow we will be getting back to business as usual. Have a wonderful Sunday!   SHOP  


Tooterphant for the Little Lady

I few weeks ago I stumbled upon this awesome crocheted pattern for Tooterphants Amigurumi Pattern and shared it on Facebook. I instantly fell in love with these whimsical little creatures and decided to make a couple for the Little Lady. Sometime in the next month her baby brother will be born, and he’ll receive many gifts. …


Wee Folk Art Market Place

Just a reminder that Wee Folk Art Market Place will be open for TWO WEEKS only, beginning August 6 and closing August 20. This will probably be the only time we have the shop open online before Christmas. If there are kits and supplies you would like, make sure to shop early. Also, there will …


Busy Stitchin’

Monday night we called the wee ones at 8:30 as they were getting ready for bed. Michelle answered the phone. Me: Do the kids want to spend the night and go for a late swim. Michelle: Let me ask. “Do you guys want to go swimming at Gammy’s and spend the night?” Wee Ones: ((no …