Here Britta shares her Christmas Holly Banner Pattern for the gnome home.
Today Britta awoke to two marvelous surprises. First, the first snowfall of the winter, and second, news that her city kin will be coming to spend the holidays in the Thicket. She has already begun her preparations, because there will be so much to do. She spent the morning carefully packing away her fall treasures, and began the rather lengthy process of decking the halls! It will take her many days to make sure things are just right! The first thing Britta did was to make a new banner. When she was done, Axel helped her hang it on a low branch. “There,” thinks Britta.”It’s a start!”
Christmas Holly Banner Pattern
This banner was designed to fit a branch in our Gnome Home. You may wish to customize the banner to fit a preexisting branch in your Gnome Home or add an angled twig to hang the banner as is.
Christmas Holly Banner Pattern Materials:
- Pattern
- 9″ x 12″ piece of wool felt
- wool felt scraps
- 6 strand embroidery floss
- embroidery needle
Christmas Holly Banner Pattern Directions:
[1] Make copies of the pattern.
[2] Using the pattern, cut out 2 banner pieces, 3 pieces of holly and 3 holly berries.
[3] Using the pattern as a guide, place holly leaves on the front piece of the banner. Use a small running stitch or blanket stitch to join the leaves to the banner using two strands of matching embroidery floss.
[4] Using the pattern as a guide, place the 3 holly berries on the leaves. Use a small running stitch to join the holly berries to the leaves using two strands of embroidery floss.
[5] Referring to the pattern, use a stem stitch and 6 strands of embroidery floss to add the veins and swirls.
[6] Place wrong sides of banner pieces together. Pin in place. Use 6 strands of embroidery floss and a a running stitch, sew along the top stitching line and the bottom stitching line. This will create a casing for hanging. Using 6 strands of embroidery floss, blanket stitch sides and bottoms below bottom stitch line at attach the front and back.