I have been fascinated with the Russian Rag Dolls for a long time now. I have been collecting information about them, pouring over You Tube videos and websites that give basic instructions for making the dolls. Like any other craft, you begin to see a great diversification.
I am especially drawn to the simple, faceless dolls. Although they are often referred to as Russian Rag Dolls, they are known by many other names, and are more of a regional doll with other countries like Ukraine having their own version.
“Krupenichka” comes from the word “krupa” which means grain. The dolls were considered to be home protectors and were often given as wedding gifts to couples in their first home. Of course, they are also folk toys, and could be made in average households with fabric scraps and seeds. Traditionally, they did not require sewing. The clothing was layered on the dolls and they were simply tied together. Children are often taught to make them.
The following dolls are a sampling of some of my favorite. Do understand, most of the sites you will go to are in Russian or Ukrainian. Many of the sites are Russian shops that are difficult to buy from. This post is truly meant as an introduction to these beautiful dolls. I have been doing a lot of research on them and shortly plan to make some for the children in our family, and will of course, include my own tutorial. Hopefully I will get to this sometime in the next month.
In the meantime, if you are interested in learning more about the Russian Rag Dolls, follow some of the links at the bottom of the page. Some are tutorials for making the dolls, some give you a history of the dolls, and others are simply a collection of more dolls. I hope you enjoy and that this might encourage you to learn more about these beautiful dolls.
NOTE: Hands down my very favorite artist of the Russian Rag Dolls is YanaVolkova (Яна Волкова). I have featured several of her dolls because I adore so many of them. I am including links here for several ways you can see her work. Each of her dolls is unique so chances are if you see it here, it is already gone. Here are ways to see Yana’s work:
“Moskovka” Doll created by Maroussia on Live Master
Yana Volkova
Yana Volkova
Yana Volkova
White Day Doll Family from Kolpakova Irisha
Russian Traditional Doll from LibelluleDO Etsy Shop
Yana Volkova
Russian Traditional Rag Doll from Shutterstock
Russian Doll with Chocolate from Kolpakova Irisha
Yana Volkova
How to Make Russian Dolls from Crafts for Kids
- tutorial for making a simple doll with yarn hair.
The History of Faceless Dolls – Russian Folk Rag Dolls from Linda Walsh Originals
- historical facts about Russian rag dolls plus links to many other sites that feature them.
Ukaraine Motanka Dolls from GOLD Palanka
- historical facts about Ukrainian Motanka dolls, including patterns for making your own
My Folk Dolls from Podelki-Doma
- an interesting collection of Russian rag dolls from the Podelki-Doma collection. Includes a couple of videos with more dolls
Zernushka – Krupenichka Charm Doll from Walentina
- pictorial tutorial for making the stubby Russian rag dolls
Traditional Russian Rag Dolls Discussed
- a YouTube video in Russian with subtitles about the history of the rag dolls
Traditional Russian Doll Making Tutorial
- another YouTube video that is translated to English on making a Russian rag doll
Krupenichka Doll Tutorial from HM Hand-Made
- easy tutorial for making a small Russian rag doll
Doll Stolbushka from Daria Vortsepneva
- a YouTube video of a young girl making a Russian rag doll
Kimara, this is fascinating! Now I need to make a Russian rag doll. I liked the proverb about dolls, but I especially liked the video with the young girl making the doll. She seemed quite adept. Thanks for the links. Have a lovely weekend!
Thanks. Share photos on Facebook if you do make them. They are all so personal! ((hugs)) ~Kimara~
I had never seen these dolls before and I am enchanted! Thank you for the introduction; I am looking forward to your tutorial.
Same thing happened to me the first time I saw them, too. With everyoneu2019s interest, might move the tutorial higher up on my to-do list
I have never heard of Russian rag dolls before. These photos that you have shared on your site are so adorable! Isn’t it wonderful what people can use to make dolls from? These are pretty!
I am so glad I was able to share them with you. Sometimes the simplest things are the most profoundly beautiful. These tied dolls (some are stitched) are simply layers of snippets of fabric, but with huge results! ~Kimara~
I love these dolls too, and have a Pinterest board full of them, most that you have featured, and have made one similar to the mother holding the child. Didn’t have the links though to the videos, so that’s a bonus for me. Thanks for a great post and look forward to your tutorial.
They are so beautiful. I just made a new peg gnome and used a wee bit of the look for her. Looking forward to making the bigger dolls, though
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zv23E75TofQ Russian Valdayskaya (Valday region) parochka
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mt9g3ppO_7g Russian Batetskaya (Batetskoe village) parochka (couple)
Master is Olontseva Olga, true traditional russian doll maker. Some of the photos above are not traditional, its authordolls (???) Sorry, my english is very bad )))
Thank you so much for sharing the 2 new links. I am not an expert on these dolls and do not know what are truly “traditional”. I really appreciate your comment. ((hugs)) ~Kimara~
Have you had a chance to do your tutorial yet? I would love to see it
Thanks for the reminder. I haven’t but I am going to move it up on my to-do list… hopefully will give it a go sometime this month! ~Kimara~
I also like Russian Rag Dolls Have you viewed the Youtube video by Natalia Goncharova. Do you know what form she is using for the doll head and body? Would like to know if/how to get instructions. Natalia’s dolls are string tied. Would like to know if you have any instructions. Thank you!