These colorful eggs and cups are wonderful and safe for the smallest hands. Wee ones will enjoy placing the eggs in the cups encouraging agility, dexterity and small muscle development. As babies turn into toddlers they will begin matching the colors. The eggs and cups can then be used for color recognition, counting and sorting. A wonderful early toy and beautiful addition to any room!

6 wood eggs
6 wood cups
sandpaper, fine
wood paint
beeswax finish
non toxic wood stain (optional – if you’d like to finish the eggs in natural wood tones for a play kitchen)
Note: All materials used should be non toxic and child safe.

Using fine grade sandpaper, sand wood pieces smooth. Wipe off to remove any saw dust.
Using a non toxic, child safe paint, paint the inside and outside of the cups and the eggs. Use 6 different paint colors and paint one cup and one egg the same color. (Optional: if you prefer a natural finish for the play kitchen, stain the eggs/cups now.)

When the paint is thoroughly dry, seal the wood with a Beeswax Finish.

They are now ready to play with! Children as young as 6 months old will love picking up the colorful eggs. 

By the time a child is around 1 year old, they will enjoy putting the eggs in the cups. To begin with, they aren’t too concerned about matching colors 🙂

Eventually, toddlers will be matching the same egg and cup colors, counting eggs, and learning their colors. This is truly a multi-aged toy that grows with the child. 

If you prefer, stain the outside of the cups and paint just the inside. The children will still match colors, but will have a very different finished look.

You can stain the eggs or white wash them for a more natural look. These are wonderful in play kitchens.

Give a child a small basket and let them collect the eggs a chicken has laid.

Or… ask a child what to do with them. She’ll know 🙂
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Photos: 4-12-12