Although snails might not be welcomed visitors in your garden, they are certainly a sign of summer! And, if they are not ravishing your tender young plants, they are cute as… well, cute as a bug's ear I know the wee ones are fascinated with snails, and the geek in me always marvels at the the mathematical formula, The Fibonacci sequence, that is visible in the spiral in a snail's shell. [Want to know more about the Fibonacci sequence… and who doesn't… you can find info on it HERE. BTW… when I can't sleep at night, I often do the addition for the Fibonacci sequence… strange but true!]
ANYWAY… Fibonacci aside, I made this sweet little snail to fit a 6" x 6" block but it can be enlarged or reduced to meet your needs. Check out our tips for cutting out felt HERE. The pattern for our Snail Applique Block can be found HERE. Enjoy!
Next week we will share a project using our lovely little snail, just in time for your summer nature walks
Cut out felt.
Sew grass to block. Use a blanket stitch and 3 strands of floss across the top of the grass and a running stitch and 2 strands of floss for sides and bottom.
Pin shell in place. Tuck the tail and head under the shell to the dotted lines. Sew on head and tail using a running stitch and 2 strands of floss.
Sew shell to block using a blanket stitch and 3 strands of floss around the outside edge of the shell and a running stitch and 2 strands of floss along the bottom of the shell.
Add detail to the shell using a stem stitch for the spiral and straight stitches for the lines. Use 6 strands of floss for both.
Using 6 strands of floss, add antennas and eyes. Use a stem stitch for the curves and a French knot on the ends and eye.
Using a running stitch and 2 strands of floss, sew leaf to block. Add vein using a stem stitch and 6 strands of floss.
For each flower, position an outer circle on the grass using the pattern as a guide. Place an inner circle on top of the outer circle. Using a straight stitch, sew the buds to the block using 6 strands of floss. The stitching should just overlap the inner circle. Make 5 straight stitches. These stitches do not need to be evenly spaced. They should be slightly askew. Refer to photo.
Using a stem stitch, embroider flower stems and leaves using 6 strands of floss.
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Patterns may be used for personal use only. If you are interested in obtaining a Cottage Industry License so you can sell items made from our patterns, information can be found HERE.
This is adorable. I think the little snail would look super cute trailing along at the top of a pocket on a little dress!
[…] use of recycled items, made it a perfect companion for our time spent on the trail! We used our Snail Applique but you can decorate the journal any way you’d […]