It’s cherry picking season in our part of the country. I love to pick cherries. It’s no wonder the expression “cherry picking” is given to easy feats. The problem with cherry picking, because it is so easy and fun, it’s easy to get carried away and have a ton of cherries that you now …
Applique Block Patterns
Babushka Doll Directions
Material: 6 pieces of different colored felt or other fabric Embroidery floss Pattern (3 pages) 1] Make copy of patterns. 2] Cut out fabric as follows (I used): Color A: 1 babushka and 2 ties (light green) Color B: 1 hair (medium brown) Color C: 1 face (very light pink/beige) Color D: 1 main body-this …
Wee Folk Art Mushrooms Applique Block
While I was off on Staycation, Michelle did a great job of holding down the fort. She managed to feed the fish and water the plants! (There’s a rather humorous inside joke here that bears telling at another time!) Anyway, on top of sharing a couple of projects, she also gave the site an …
USAF Roundel Applique
I have added a USAF Roundel Applique Patch to our Free Appliques Database. This one was not designed to fit on our standard 6 inch squares but instead I made it 7 inches wide to fit nicely across my son’s shirt. Of course you can reduce the size if you would like to make a …
Crazy Little Bird Applique Block
Here is our Crazy Little Bird Applique Block. You’ll notice a few changes from the one on Pixie’s shirt, but all in all, it’s the same little guy. I made the pattern to fit on our 6″ x 6″ blocks. The one on Pixie’s t-shirt is about 85% the size of this one, but …
Posy Applique Block
Thanks to Christy’s suggestion over at Sweet Tidings, I turned my outdoor Wall Flower into a cute Posy Applique Block. I know I’m always saying that “this was designed for a 6″ x 6″ block but the pattern can be reduced or enlarged to meet your needs”. This is living proof, that even the …
Tree Applique Block
As I said in my last blog, my mind and body have gone outside! As the leaves on the trees begin to unfurl, I’m looking forward to the shade they provide. The Dragonfly Garden on the south side of our house is in the sun all day long. But right on the edge of …
Our House Applique Block
As a young woman back in the 70s, Crosby Stills Nash and Young were one of my favs. And “Our House” was one of my all time favorite songs. Every time I hear this song I’m back on the campus at Michigan State University. Today’s Our House Applique Block is a tribute to that song …
Fried Egg Block Applique
In the realm of “why the heck not?” I’m including a Fried Egg Applique Block, because… you never know when you might need one??? Anyway, since there are eggs all over the place this week, I decided I may as well include one in our FREE Applique Database. If you are new to embroidery or …
Beehive Applique Block
Last week Tiptoe Mom requested an applique of a beehive, so tah dah, here it is. It is my plan to add at least 1 applique a week to the blog, hopefully building an impressive collection for many different crafters. If there is an applique you would like to see included… sooner rather than …
Tree Stump Applique Block
Well, it finally happened… I’ve begun to yearn for spring. And, of course, with spring comes flowers! My mind has been meandering through the woods and my gardens. So, after designing the tree stump, I needed to surround it with flowers! While going through various embroidery stitches, I came upon a woven spider’s …
Cupcake Block Applique
Often when I’m sitting around doodling, I draw cupcakes. (Second only to my old dog, Fred, doodle wise!) I’m not sure if it’s because they are relatively easy to draw, because I’m hungry, or because they are just so darn cute! Anyway, it only makes sense that it would be one of my first …