Back in March 2009 we featured a pattern for Felt Contour Clip Barrettes. I personally love these barrettes and have had some since the 70s… true story! Anyway, I was delighted that the winner of our Birthday Give-Away picked these, because it not only gave me a chance to make some, but to create a few more …
Three Birdies Glass Case
When you’re creative, nothing in your life needs to be boring. Here is a totally fun glass case that would be equally comfortable hanging out with an adult or child. Crafted from soft felt and flannel, adorable through and through, if you don’t wear glasses, you’re going to wish you did! Materials: 1 piece felt …
Three Birdies Glass Case
Reading is fun! Should we settle for ho-hum glasses or glass cases? BAH! Our glasses and their accessories should be every bit as enjoyable as our books and bookmarks. So… here’s my latest additional to our reading corner… a glass case that’s sure to please young and old alike! The outer case is made of …
Happy Birthday GIVE-AWAY
EDIT: The contest is closed. Thanks for participating! As hard as it is for us to believe, this week Wee Folk Art celebrates its 1 year anniversary! This year we've shared 378 blog entries, 18 applique blocks and 70 FREE patterns. We've learned a lot and made many new friends. All and all, it's been a great year! …
Felt Baby Ball
A mom in your daughter’s dance class is pregnant. Although you really don’t know her very well, you’d like to give her something small. THIS is the perfect gift. An evening’s project can produce a token gift that could well become baby’s favorite! And, think how cute this would be pinned to a ribbon, and …
Gnome Applique Block
The other day I was thinking about appliqueing a gnome onto something I was making. It occurred to me, that I never created a gnome applique block! How could this be? Somehow, I felt strangely remiss in my duties! I have since rectified the situation, and present to you our Gnome Applique Block. I …
Cherry Cluster Applique Block
It’s cherry picking season in our part of the country. I love to pick cherries. It’s no wonder the expression “cherry picking” is given to easy feats. The problem with cherry picking, because it is so easy and fun, it’s easy to get carried away and have a ton of cherries that you now …
Babushka Doll Applique
I decided I needed a lot more “bling” to give my babuskha doll that traditional matryoshka “feel”. I sorta just started embroidering and kept going! Anyway, here she is… waiting her final destination… which I haven’t decided on, so she isn’t sewn onto anything yet! But I am done with the directions, so if you’re …
Babushka Doll Directions
Material: 6 pieces of different colored felt or other fabric Embroidery floss Pattern (3 pages) 1] Make copy of patterns. 2] Cut out fabric as follows (I used): Color A: 1 babushka and 2 ties (light green) Color B: 1 hair (medium brown) Color C: 1 face (very light pink/beige) Color D: 1 main body-this …
Should be sleeping!
What I should be doing is sleeping… I’m about 80% better, sleep could actually take me to 100%!!! Instead, I was working on the babushka doll. I have her done, but since I’m not sure what I’m doing with her yet, her side seams are open until I blanket stitch her in place… but you …
Posy Peasant Babushka Doll
I woke up this morning with the flu bug that Fairy brought home earlier in the week and this inexplicable desire to design a Matryoshka doll! I’m not sure if the 2 are connected, but between naps and blowing my nose, I managed to design this Posy Peasant Babushka Doll. I’m not sure to what ends yet… but …
Wee Folk Art Mushrooms Applique Block
While I was off on Staycation, Michelle did a great job of holding down the fort. She managed to feed the fish and water the plants! (There’s a rather humorous inside joke here that bears telling at another time!) Anyway, on top of sharing a couple of projects, she also gave the site an …