We've adopted a new bundle of joy (and fur and nails… and oh so sharp puppy teeth)! Meet Fargo (named from a character on our family favorite show Eureka) our lab mix puppy (they say pug… I'm not sure we see it). We brought him home from a rescue group two weeks ago and the …
All the activities that take place in the backyard or great outdoors.
{this moment – chasing rainbows}
{this moment} – A Friday ritual began by Amanda at Soule Mama. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment you want to pause, savor and remember. Have a lovely weekend ~ Kimara and Michelle
Art Outside
After several days (or was it weeks?) of miserable heat and humidity that was making everyone cranky, the weather broke and we are now free to enjoy being outdoors again. We’ve spent hours outside in the last few days making up for lost time. Although Pixie loves being outside, she can’t go long without …
NOTE: Michelle shared this post a couple of years ago. We have a project to share this week, but before we do, we wanted to repost this story on Letterboxing. If you haven’t discovered this past time with your children, you are in for a treat This summer we have discovered a fun new hobby… Letterboxing or as …
What’s In A Name?
Today I spent an entirely exhausting but wonderfully fulfilling day in the gardens. Michelle’s family came over to “Help Gammy”. Seven year old Bug learned to prune a small crab apple tree. Five year old Fairy showed her might as she hauled bags of mulch. And three year old Pixie impressed us all as she shoveled pea …
A Mouse in the Woods Bookmark
It’s summer. Ever since I was a child summer equalled excessive reading! My tastes in reading ran the gamut of literary genres, BUT the one commonality amongst all my summer books I read was my ability to chose them for myself. These were not books selected by my teachers, although I often read books that would have pleased …
Mouse Bookmark
Here is a sweet little mouse bookmark with a long and useful tail! This one is made out of felt and sewn, but if you’re doing the project with young children, you can glue the felt pieces together or use card stock or construction paper. Whichever way you make him, I’m sure you’ll find he’ll …
Craft Basket – Fast to Make Using Recycled Materials
This quick craft basket is a great way to organize crafting supplies. Plus, it’s easy to grab for on-the-go crafting! It’s summertime. Time to head outside and find a shady patch of grass to stretch out on. It’s also a great time to grab your crafting supplies and “while away the hours” drawing birds and butterflies, …
Stay at Home Vacation
Beginning tomorrow I will be “off” for the next 2 weeks. Tim is on vacation and we are excited about spending the next couple of weeks AT HOME. Now, this may not be exotic, but we are so looking forward to it. We are locking up the cell phones (mostly) and using the net for …
Patchwork Pots
There’s this “thing” out there. Before you have a child, you should have a dog for a couple of years. If you can take care of it and manage not to do anything irreversibly stupid, chances are you’re ready for a kid. Some logic here, I suppose! Well, I didn’t do dogs, I did plants, …
Wall flower
It was a great weekend in the garden. Tim helped turn my doodles into reality. (I use the word helped liberally… he did the lion’s share of the work!) Anyway, I am beyond thrilled with the wall flower and window boxes he made. (Tim is now referring to our house as Whoville. I rather like …
Need a Bigger Pocket!
I love going on walk-abouts with children. EVERYTHING is so fascinating to them. Bugs and rocks, fungus and tracks captivate their imagination and provide fodder for an insurmountable barrage of questions. And I’ve yet to go on a nature walk with a child who has not found some priceless treasure. Sparkly rocks, a cardinal feather, …