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Memories & Musings

Quietly Playing

You know that quiet play that as a parent you hate to interrupt because your intrusion, even just for a moment, can break the spell of wonderful imaginative play? Of course this same quiet can also mean total chaos is going on, but the little imps are being sneaky enough to pull it off, so …


Robin Hood Sweater

I love it when I get to craft for Bug. It seems like there are so many different things you can make for girls… headbands and barrettes, skirts and bracelets. Coming up with ideas for boys that actually excites them is a bit more challenging. I mentioned before I bought the awesome book Fairy Tale …


When the Cows Come Home

January, February and March are the months Michelle and I decorate. It is post holidays and before the gardens call us outdoors. Below is a post from One Generation to Another, first published June 8, 2008. We decided this would be a great time to share this because we will be doing our handprint project next week. Watch for the handprints below!  I have …