Showing: 1 - 12 of 25 RESULTS
Memories & Musings

Not Really Here…

Technically, I’m not here…we’re still on holiday. I told myself I wasn’t going to blog for 2 weeks, so I’m not calling this a blog…let’s just say I’m answering a friend’s questions. She asked, “Where do you come up with your ideas and how in the world do you go about turning them into patterns?” My …

Blog Info Christmas

Holiday Break

  Like most of you, the next couple of weeks are going to be very busy! Starting, gulp, day after tomorrow, our home will be swarming with out-of-town guests, and the celebrating will begin. Although I couldn’t be happier, I do feel like a deer in headlights. Rather stunned. Where did all the time go? I had months …


Collage of Projects

We thought it would be rather fun to bring together all the various projects that we shared over the past 4 months. Most of them are quick projects so if you’re still in need of some Christmas ideas, most of these are very doable. Just click on the picture and it will take you to …

Blog Info

Some serious issues…

Sigh… we have been trying to work with our new blog theme but are finding some inherent errors in the programing. So LOL – we will be changing things up yet again. Once we find the right fit I swear we will stop re-designing every other week (trust me – I’d rather be crafting than …


Finally Done with the Hobby Horses!

I finally finished the hobby horses. Boy, these sure have been a long undertaking. It’s not that making the individual horses took that long, but when you design something instead of following a pattern, you wind up with a couple beta runs and there’s usually at least some “tweakage”! The last piece was trying to decide how …


Another Project Done!

    I’ve learned 2 very important things in the past 24 hours. First, I’m as allergic to alpaca as I am to wool, and second, apparently my pictures turn out just as good when I’m blindly flailing the camera around as when I painstakingly try to control focus and lighting! Yesterday, I decided to sneak in …


Drawing with Wool

A little while ago I decided that I wanted to make a series of images to display inside the kids’ play house. I think it will be nice to change these out seasonally. I didn’t really have a set plan, but this seemed like a good time to try out a new medium for me… …


Holiday Gnomes New Home

Our winner of the Holiday Gnome Give-Away just sent a pic of the happy couple in their new home. They seem very pleased, and why shouldn’t they be? Rumor has it that they were gifts for 2 little girls. What could be more fun? BTW … Our winner, Cat, has a lovely blog where she talks …