Showing: 421 - 432 of 1,249 RESULTS

W.I.P. :: Chalkboard Houses

After being home for a couple of weeks, I finally feel like I'm caught up enough to start tackling some projects. My list is long and mighty of things I want and need to do, so you can expect to see many new projects shared over the next couple of months. Plus, we are working …


The Big Bang Theory… Of Sorts!

I've worn bangs for longer than most of our readers have been alive… true story πŸ™‚ Anyway… Tim saw some sassy pics of me in the 70s, with long straight hair and no bangs. Tim: Oh, how cute. (He had enough sense not to say… you WERE so cute. Gotta love that man πŸ™‚ Me: …


Hairy Legs… And Not Mine!

Photo from Ravelry's Harpa Jónsdóttir We have dogs… and usually lots of dogs. For that reason alone, we do not have carpeting anywhere in our house. (We have a few area rugs that can be taken outside and hosed down.) Fortunately, I love wood floors, but that's just a bonus. We have no carpets, because …


Shield Pendant Fit For A Knight

Bug has the heart of a knight… bound by honor and tradition… well, most of the time πŸ™‚ He is a history buff, fascinated by the Middle Ages. He participates in sports, archery and fencing, that would have prepared him for knightly duties. This year he has also begun "dramatic sword play". His coach has mentored actors …


Back Home

I am back after almost 2 weeks spent with my son, Drew, his lovely wife, Meghan, their soon to be 2 year old, Little Lady, and week old, Little Guy. What an indescribably awesome gift, to share in the birth of your child's child. I feel so blessed that Tim and I were able to lend …


The Little Guy is Born!!!

For all of our Wee Folk Art friends that don't follow us on Facebook, I'd like to introduce you to the Little Guy! Meghan left for the hospital at 4:30 this morning and LG was born at 5:57! He was 8lbs 6ozs and 21.5". Big baby… fast delivery πŸ™‚ Mom and the Little Guy are …


Starting Our Harvest Time Curriculum

  This week we are beginning our Harvest Time Curriculum with Pixie. Of course, Fairy and Bug will participate in many of the hands-on activities. Pixie has gone through the unit two years ago, but we are looking forward to doing it again with her. She will have a totally different experience this time around. …


Final Reminder

One last reminder… Wee Folk Art Market Place will be closing tomorrow, and we are not sure when it will reopen online. If you want to place an order, make sure you do it today πŸ™‚ Tomorrow we will be getting back to business as usual. Have a wonderful Sunday!   SHOP