Showing: 313 - 324 of 503 RESULTS

Shawl of Many Colors

  On the 23rd of December I finished up the last of my Christmas knitting and wanted something super simple to work on while visiting with family. This little shawl is what I made over those festive days. I followed the simple pattern Traditional Icelandic Three Cornered Shawl available from Ragga Goes on About Knitting. It show …


My Vacation Project – Fireplace Redo

NOTE: If you were looking for some guidelines for painting brick, scroll down to the bottom of the blog. Michelle added the technique she used! Amidst all the holiday cheer we took some time to finish up a few household projects that have been on our to-do list for awhile. There were some moldings that needed …


Beginning Winter Wonderland

Ahhh, today is our first day getting back into our normal routines. We had a joyful holiday season but as I so often am, I am sooo ready to get into our normal pattern of daily life. We have a few new school books we will be trying out, including a beginning Latin program for …

Blog Info

Living Crafts

It is finally here… our Winter 2010/2011copy of Living Crafts magazine! We have been eagerly awaiting this issue… as some of you may have already noticed… we have a featured project in this issue. We crafted a play-along set to go with the book The Mitten. We designed a felt mitten that can come apart …