Showing: 349 - 360 of 503 RESULTS

Camera Strap Fabric Sleeve

I got a new camera! Very exciting! My older camera (and will still be used camera) was fine but I found myself fighting with it. (I do love that my older camera takes videos… very important with a couple little dancers in our family). But now my mom and I both have the exact same cameras. …


Felt Leaves Fall Garland Tutorial

Fall is just starting to creep in around here. In the past week we’ve noticed a few trees in our yard that have leaves that are tipped with gold. Chilly mornings have led to the kids digging deeper into their drawers pulling out long sleeved shirts (although by mid-afternoon these are really too warm to …


Art Outside

  After several days (or was it weeks?) of miserable heat and humidity that was making everyone cranky, the weather broke and we are now free to enjoy being outdoors again. We’ve spent hours outside in the last few days making up for lost time. Although Pixie loves being outside, she can’t go long without …


The Pocket

Last week we dusted off some of our books, pushed aside the stacks of papers I never got a chance to organize from last year and dove into a new school year. Although I didn’t feel totally prepared myself (our library needs some serious purging and reorganizing), the kids were ready for their routine to …