Showing: 61 - 72 of 671 RESULTS

Easy to Make Wool Roving Dragonfly

Here is a lovely and easy to make Wool Roving Dragonfly for our updated Puddles and Ponds unit. All you need are twigs and roving and a little knowledge about dragonflies. Make sure to add just wisps of colored roving to give the wings an iridescent look. MATERIALS: wool roving small twigs Gather together an assortment …


Learn to Knit Afghan :: Block Twelve

Working with the Harlequin  Pattern This is a fun pattern to work up, especially with highly contrasting fabrics. It is using the same mosaic technique as the previous few blocks so there really isn’t anything new to learn here. In my notes I did highlight row 27 and jotted this in the margin, “Don’t forget row …


Mini Recycled Rain Stick

As part of our updated Puddles and Ponds summer unit, we made these mini rain sticks using recycled materials. For this project we wanted to come up with a kid-friendly way of making a rain stick that did not involve hammering nails or poking sharp objects into the tube. We found that using small sticks …


Painted Rock Turtles

Before beginning this project make sure you check out some real turtles. If you are lucky enough to spy one on a nature walk, make sure to get a photo if the wee creature is willing to stand still long enough. If you don’t happen upon a turtle share books about turtles so children can discover …


Learn to Knit Afghan :: Block Ten

Working with the Diagonal Chain Pattern The diagonal chain is another fun mosaic pattern. The main tip I want to share is be sure to slip as if to purl unless a pattern says otherwise. This is true for all the mosaic patterns. More Blocks in the Series Introductory Post Block Nine: Horizontal Chain Pattern Block Eleven: Miniature Mosaic …