The Italian board game, Mulinello Quadrupio, translates to mean Quadruple Reel. It is a basic “Five-In-A-Row” game. The rules are easy to learn, but it is a game of strategy that can provide a real challenge. If playing with younger children, you can make a 4 x 4 board or even a 3 x 3 board, using 4 or 3 tokens respectively. The game has two players.
Mulinello Quadrupio Game Pieces
- 2 sets of 5 game tokens, each side having a different color (we used buttons)
- game board (included)
Mulinello Quadrupio Goal
To be the first person to get their 5 tokens in a row, horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
How to Play
Place the board on a table between the players. Each player has 5 tokens.
Players take turns placing 1 token on one of the empty circles on the board until all tokens have all been placed.
Players then take turns moving one of their tokens into an empty, adjacent space until one of the players gets their 5 tokens in a row, horizontally, vertically or diagonally. That player wins the game.