This week we are beginning our Harvest Time Curriculum with Pixie. Of course, Fairy and Bug will participate in many of the hands-on activities. Pixie has gone through the unit two years ago, but we are looking forward to doing it again with her. She will have a totally different experience this time around. We are changing up a few things, plus, she will now have a greater understanding of many of the ideas she will be learning.

If you’ve never seen our Preschool/Kindergarten Curriculum, make sure to take a peek at our FREE Homeschool Companion Guides.  They are seasonally based, and we will obviously be starting with our Harvest Time Unit. We will be sharing many of our activities, and welcome you to share your experiences, too. We’ve rearranged the placement of a couple of weeks to fit our schedule and holidays but it doesn’t matter. Each week can stand alone, so bend it… shape it… anyway you want to… to meet your family’s needs 🙂

This week we are doing Week One – Tops and Bottoms. You can look over activities we’ve done in the past HERE or print the complete Harvest Time Unit HERE.

We hope many of you will be using our curriculum this fall and that you share some of your activities and plans with us. Also, if add additional activities, we’d love to hear about them. Here’s to a wonderful, adventurous year of learning 🙂