Here is a collection of our FREE homeschool curriculum guides, journal pages, planners and more. We call our homeschooling units our Homeschool Companion Guides and they are here to help you on your homeschooling journey.
Simple Seasons :: Preschool-Kindergarten (4-6 years old)
Simple Seasons is a literature based, hands-on curriculum that has been designed to be used with 4-6 year old children as a gentle introduction to their school years. Each seasonal based unit includes literature, social studies, art appreciation, crafts, and science. An introduction to phonics is included as an optional activity. There are three 12 week terms for the school year plus a bonus shorter summer study. Each unit includes a schedule that focuses on the rhythm of the seasons with a special emphasis on holidays and nature.
Click here to learn how to use this program.
Harvest Time Curriculum
Harvest Time Second Edition: This is the latest version that includes a current book schedule, supply list, and revised craft directions.It is available in a nicely printed magazine format or a tablet friendly digital format that you can print yourself or view on a mobile devise.
Print Edition $12
Digital Edition (iPad, PDF, Windows Viewer) $6
Available for purchase at MagCloud. Click here to shop now.
Harvest Time First Edition: This is the original free printable pdf version that contains typos and some scheduled books are now out of print.
Winter Wonderland Curriculum
Winter Wonderland Second Edition: This is the latest version that includes a current book schedule, supply list, and revised craft directions.It is available in a nicely printed magazine format or a tablet friendly digital format that you can print yourself or view on a mobile devise.
Print Edition $12
Digital Edition (iPad, PDF, Windows Viewer) $6
Available for purchase at MagCloud. Click here to shop now.

Spring Bs Curriculum

Print Edition $12
Digital Edition (iPad, PDF, Windows Viewer) $6
Available for purchase at MagCloud. Click here to shop now.

Puddles and Ponds Curriculum
Puddles & Ponds Second Edition: This is the latest version that includes a current book schedule, supply list, and revised craft directions.It is available in a nicely printed magazine format or a tablet friendly digital format that you can print yourself or view on a mobile devise.
Print Edition $10
Digital Edition (iPad, PDF, Windows Viewer) $5
Available for purchase at MagCloud. Click here to shop now.
Summer UNIT: Puddles and Ponds – It still available online in its original webpage format. There is no PDF available online.
Advent Activities Curriculum
Advent Activities is a 4 week long, literature based, hands-on curriculum that has been designed to be used with your whole family ages 4 and up. It can be used along with our Simple Seasons guides as a bridge between Harvest Time and Winter Wonderland or it can be used as a stand alone unit to enjoy while preparing for Christmas.
Advent Activities Second Edition: This is the latest version that includes a current book schedule, supply list, and revised craft directions.It is available in a nicely printed magazine format or a tablet friendly digital format that you can print yourself or view on a mobile devise.
Print Edition $10
Digital Edition (iPad, PDF, Windows Viewer) $5
Available for purchase at MagCloud. Click here to shop now.
Advent Activities First Edition: This is the original free online version. It is not available in PDF format.
Shop now for all your Simple Seasons books and craft supplies by visiting our Amazon shop.
If you are using any of our Free Homeschool Companion Curriculum guides, we would like invite you to share your photos on our Wee Folk Art Homeschool Flickr page.
I am looking forward to using your curriculum with my son! I was wondering if you would share what homeschool curriculum you use for your children? I’m new to the homeschool world and would love any advice or recommendations. Thanks!
This is something I get asked frequently in emails. Especially since we have only published a one year curriculum. "What curriculum do I use with my children now?" I've been reluctant to answer just because what works for one family (or child) may not work for another. BUT I do feel I can point people to some curriculums or resources for further investigation. I'm thinking a blog post on curriculums may be in order… and possibly overdue. Check back over the next couple weeks. I will be putting together a list of curriculum links.
Do you have an Amazon listmania or something similar with all of the books in each unit in one handy place? I’d love to order some books through through your affiliate link so that you get a little something out of it for such a lovely little curriculum but I’m having a hard time locating the proper link.
Thanks so much for asking. Actually, never thought of a Listmania but that would be a good idea! In the meantime, on each of the curriculum's overview page, you will find an Amazon box with all the books listed. If you go in through there, we do have an amazon account and we will get credit. If you are doing the winter theme now, the booklist can be found HERE.
Over the next few months we hope to get many of our resources better organized. Our shop will also be opening. We love sharing free content with our readers, but we really do appreciate it when readers enter Amazon from our site. Thanks again for being so thoughtful
This is my first time visiting and boy I wish I had found you several years ago! ZI also wish you went higher than ages 4-6….this site is amazing! Thanks!
any chance you’ll continue to grow your curriculum files? We are at the 4 & 6 age range now and growing with you would be fabulous!
Really your approach towards children education is praise worthy. I needed those for my new born baby. This post is in a word…awesome. I am glad to be a regular visitor of your blog. Thanks a lot…
Sustainable consumption
There are many different guides to be found on the internet regarding the best guides and resources, but to be honest since I found the ones on offer here, I have not been able to find anything that is as well written as the ones offered here. Thanks a lot I am learning something new every day. spielautomaten
Your activities are really good. I always run out of ideas and you never fail to give something fun. house glass repair in Acworth
Thank you so much for this great curriculum. My daughter loves it! I have also tried Oak Meadow and A Little Garden Flower and they have their good points too but the activities and books you have outlined here have been by far her favorites. I curious what you used for first grade and beyond – I am struggling to pick something for next year.
We are finishing up our “preschool” year with my now 5-year-old daughter after using all 3 of your curriculums. While starting to map out our summer, I checked your site on the off chance you had added some summer ideas, and I am so excited that you have! Thank you for the wonderful schedules and book lists-they have been everything I could have asked for. When I started looking for a curriculum, my biggest “wants” were that it be season-based and literature-based, include lots of crafting and baking and nature. This is the curriculum I wish I had written myself
Thanks again-I am looking forward to another season of great books and activities!
I loved using your guides with my daughter two years ago, and we’ve started using them again with my son this year. Thank you so much. When we started it was my very first step into homeschooling, and your guides were there to rely on. This year it’s my very first step into homeschooling multiple age groups, and again, your guides are there for me to rely on. And so I am here, with the greatest sincerity, to say Thank You, again.
Another question..where is the Craft Supply List you spoke of in the directions? Thanks again
I have been searching online for weeks hoping to find that one curriculum that stood out to me and my familys lifestyle. I was just about to give up and put in the many hours it would take to make my own when I stumbled appon your site. I cannot thank you enough for all your hard work, and for making it free! This is truely amazing, I have tears in my eyes. Thank-you from the bottom of my heart!! I can not wait to get started with my little 3 year old daughter jayde!!
I am so excited to get started on this program with my almost 5 year old boy! I was wondering if you had another suggestion for an ABC coloring book besides the Flower Fairy one? I can tell just by looking at it that he will think its for “girls”, LOL.
Dover makes several different alphabet coloring books. I would suggest looking at the Animal Alphabet or the Birds Alphabet coloring books as an alternative. But just so you know, the Flower Fairy coloring book does correspond to the Flower Fairy poems and has many 'boy fairies' mixed in too. HTH – have fun!
What a thoughtful, well-put-together, beautiful curriculum! I will definitely be ordering some of the books and doing parts of this with my 2 hs’d kids (7 and 5). No time to fit it all in, but I am very, VERY impressed.
I am beyond blessed to have found your website and this curriculum! I have hunted for something nature-inspired for my daughter with SPD. We are homeschooling her for just this reason, and we want her education to be specifically, geared towards her, not the masses. Thank you, a million times thank you. We’ll be using the curriculum for the remainder of this year for preschool and again for Kindy in the fall. I think the repetition will be wonderful for her :).
I cannot for the life of me find where the art projects are from, can you explain? I dont want to miss this portion!!!
Also, do you incorporate any spiritual practices with your kiddos?
Again. Thank you and bless you!!!!
I am so grateful for the incredible time & effort you invested to make this beautiful resource available! Thank you so very, very much! So excited to use this beautiful curriculum with my 5 and 1 year old boys & have shared this link with many friends. Please post if you add more curriculum…it’s simply wonderful!
Just shared your page on my FB group fan page. These PDFs look so good! Pinned this post.
If you have time maybe you can link this to Family Fun Friday – we usually get over 100 bloggers and I think they would love these!
Submitted by Marie (not verified) on Fri, 10/18/2013 – 00:32.
Hi! I am a mother of 4. My 2 oldest children have attended public school their whole lives. My 5 year old (turned 5 in September) has been in a k4 program for 8 weeks and still screams and cries every day. She hates it. I am thinking of bringing her home and home schooling her. I have been a school teacher for the past 11 years and this is my first year being home and not teaching because I am pursuing my PhD. There are so many options out there that it is overwhelming but I love the sound of what you are doing. I DO want her to continue learning the letters and writing that she has been learning at school.
My main question is – if we start now – as in Monday of next week – where would I “be” in your curriculum? I’d like to see if she can pick up where you are or if we need to back pedal or advance. I’m just not sure what the time frame of your 3 sections is. Could you point me towards the current spot?
Also – any tips would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks so much, and best of look to you and your family!
Marie Mallory
Hi Marie,
I would suggest starting the Explode the Code books from the beginning and matching your flower fairy poem to the letter you are working on for the week. There are additional teacher guides and flashcards that you can use along side the ETC series if you would like to work more heavily on phonics. As for the Harvest Time weekly themes… you can do those in any order. So pick the ones that make sense with what is available around your home/holidays. If you have cider mills/orchards in your area you might want to start with the apple weeks since that is a very 'now' subject and of course the pumpkins go well with Halloween. So maybe start next week with week 6, followed by week 9 and from there pick and choose what you would enjoy covering based on the projects.
Good luck and have fun!
My words just don’t seem adequate. I’ve been wanting to say thank you for some time and have felt the need to find the “right” words to convey how thankful I am that you offer this beautiful program to the public and that you offer it for free. This is my first year “homeschooling” my 4 yr old son who just seems to learn in a non-typical way. Through finding our own home rhythm and this amazing curriculum….and being able to afford it… son, who 6 months ago was an angry/insecure/resistant to learning, little person who had BIG emotions… absolutely thriving!! I just can’t thank you enough for being a part of our journey to a peaceful home!
I was just trying to look at the Harvest Time first edition and it says that the page is not found. Is this guide still available?
Hi Chelsea,
Yes, it is still available. Just this past week we switched our website over to a new platform. We are still finding a few broken links. I’ve just sent a message off to the powers that be and it should be fixed in the next few hours. Try again later in the day and thanks for bringing this problem to our attention.
Thank you so much for the updated guides! When I first found your curriculum, I LOVED it, however when trying to “get ready” with my toddler by previewing the books from our library I found lots that were out of print or unavailable to us. This was a huge disappointment since I wanted to use your guides so much! I set out to develop my own curric using yours as a guide but by subbing a lot of books for ones available to me. It was a lot of work, but I finished my outline and began working with my son. Then my daughter was born and I had no idea how I was going to complete it before he turns 4 next year. Lo and behold, you did it for me!!!
I just purchased the physical and digital copies of Autumn and Winter so that I can get ready for next year. We are all very excited about Spring and Summer now! While I was on the fence about doing your quilting squares, my husband recently suggested I take up quilting as a hobby (I already sew, paint, craft, am a graphic designer by trade, and have an art degree) so your curriculum is going to be launching me into a new hobby as well.
Please keep up the excellent work you do with your site. It has been (and will continue to be) a treasure for my family.
We are always happy to hear how our curriculum has helped others. I hope you have a wonderful year with it and enjoy your new hobby.
[…] you are not already familiar with our Simple Seasons units we encourage you to check them out now. u00A0I originally wrote Simple Seasons when my oldest was 4 […]
[…] of Puddles and Ponds Homeschool Companion unit. Check out our entire Simple Seasons Curriculum HERE. Have fun with your wee ones and enjoy an indoor rain […]
[…] of Puddles and Ponds Homeschool Companion unit. Check out our entire Simple Seasons Curriculumu00A0HERE. Have fun with your wee ones and enjoy an indoor rain […]
[…] Click here for the Simple Seasons Homeschool Companion Curriculum Guides. […]
[…] requested a number of books a few weeks ago, in hopes of employing a sort of Wee Folk Art/Oak Meadow hybrid. These books were seasonally-themed, a mix of fiction and non-fiction. We picked […]
[…] has been designed to be used with your whole family ages 4 and up. It can be used along with our Simple Seasons guides as a bridge between Harvest Time and Winter Wonderland or it can be used as a stand alone unit to […]
[…] Wee Folk Art Simple Seasons […]
[…] Language Arts companion guide the week of 8/21 and jumped in with learning about vegetables. The companion guide we’re following is only $6 (!), I can’t recommend it enough. There are two book […]
[…] week two of Fall Harvest we learned about where milk comes from. The book we focused on was Beatrice’s Goat. Our […]
[…] Fall Harvest Curriculum comes to an end on November 17th and then our plan is to take a week off for Thanksgiving. Our […]
[…] has been designed to be used with your whole family ages 4 and up. It can be used along with our Simple Seasons guides as a bridge between Harvest Time and Winter Wonderland or it can be used as a stand alone unit to […]
[…] we’ve already been doing, we began our fall curriculum this week. I chose to go with the Wee Folk Art Seasonal companions again because everyone enjoyed the format and it’s a curriculum that can be adapted to fit […]