Showing: 169 - 180 of 253 RESULTS

Felt Baby Ball

A mom in your daughter’s dance class is pregnant. Although you really don’t know her very well, you’d like to give her something small. THIS is the perfect gift. An evening’s project can produce a token gift that could well become baby’s favorite! And, think how cute this would be pinned to a ribbon, and …


Felt Baby Ball

To create this 4" felt baby ball you will need: Materials: 2 colors wool felt Matching embroidery floss Multicolored embroidery floss Stuffing material Optional – Jingle bells Pattern 1] Make 2 copies of the pattern. 2] To make templates cover the ball side section pieces with wide tape or clear contact paper. Cut one out …

Applique Patterns Directory

Babushka Doll Applique

I decided I needed a lot more “bling” to give my babuskha doll that traditional matryoshka “feel”. I sorta just started embroidering and kept going! Anyway, here she is… waiting her final destination… which I haven’t decided on, so she isn’t sewn onto anything yet! But I am done with the directions, so if you’re …

Applique Patterns Directory

Babushka Doll Directions

Material: 6 pieces of different colored felt or other fabric Embroidery floss Pattern (3 pages) 1] Make copy of patterns. 2] Cut out fabric as follows (I used): Color A: 1 babushka and 2 ties (light green) Color B: 1 hair (medium brown) Color C: 1 face (very light pink/beige) Color D: 1 main body-this …


Should be sleeping!

What I should be doing is sleeping… I’m about 80% better, sleep could actually take me to 100%!!! Instead, I was working on the babushka doll. I have her done, but since I’m not sure what I’m doing with her yet, her side seams are open until I blanket stitch her in place… but you …


Posy Peasant Babushka Doll

I woke up this morning with the flu bug that Fairy brought home earlier in the week and this inexplicable desire to design a Matryoshka doll! I’m not sure if the 2 are connected, but between naps and blowing my nose, I managed to design this Posy Peasant Babushka Doll. I’m not sure to what ends yet… but …


Memory Bouquet Felt Flower

Materials: Felt pieces glass seed beads embroidery floss 3 12″ pipe cleaners florist tape pattern Directions: 1] Make copy of pattern. 2] Cut out pattern in desired colors. Inner Beaded section: 3] Mark the inner circle. 4] Using 2 strands of embroidery floss, bring thread up in the center of the flower. String 1 bead …

Memories & Musings

Fairy’s Memory Bouquet

  Here’s our little Fairy after her performance at her recital. The theme this year was Dance Hotel and Fairy’s class performed The Swimming Pool! There was lots of diving and swimming and nose plugging fun and talent, I can assure you! Here she is after the performance, looking as fresh as if she just …


Memory Bouquet

Although I’m not “officially” back until Monday, I was just finishing up a project for Fairy and I thought I’d share a little. Last year Fairy was in her first dance recital. Tell me if there is anything cuter than a 3 year old in a tutu!!! I wanted to get her flowers… all dancers …