So, we’ve been talking quite a bit about letterboxing lately. If you’ve had a chance to get out and give it a try then you may have run across some fun… even amazing… homemade stamps. You can use any stamp as a signature stamp… but of course it would be even more fun to make …
Paper Mache Puppets Part One: Making the Head
When we were at the Renaissance Festival way back in September the kids got to see a wonderful puppet show. When we got back home they wanted to make their own puppets to have a puppet show. I loved the idea and we got started right away. We made paper-mache heads and then they got …
Paper Poinsettia Wreath Directions Kids Craft
Any child that can hold a pair of scissors can help make this Paper Poinsettia Wreath. Even younger children can help with the gluing. The end result is lovely and would make a special gift for grandmas and grandpas! Paper Poinsettia Wreath Materials and Supplies: red, pink and green construction paper used cardboard from …
Kite Paper Window Stars
(You knew I would have to do this tutorial sooner or later A couple of fun things happened in the past few weeks. First, a lovely reader sent us the book Magical Window Stars (thanks Sarah!) and second, we got a stack of kite paper from Bella Luna Toys. As I sat down and …
Tissue Paper Easter Eggs
Want to go a little crazy with your Easter eggs this year? Instead of the standard dyed eggs, try this easy technique. With a little tissue paper and Mod Podge, you can turn out these colorful and fanciful eggs in no time. This is definitely a craft you can do with children, and you really can’t …
Autumn Gift Wrap with Flower Bow
It’s fall and you have a gift to give. Why not make the wrappings as beautiful as the gift inside? Below are the directions for creating this autumn gift wrap with flower bow that embraces all that’s lovely in autumn. Over the river and through the woods, to grandmother’s house we go! And you certainly …
How to Fold your Teeny Tiny Booklet
This is the way to fold a single piece of paper to become an 8 page booklet. Children can make their own as soon as they can neatly fold a piece of paper. The steps are included below. Materials: 1 piece 8 1/2" x 11" piece of paper scissors rubber cement (optional) (Do not use …
Making Gum Wrapper Chains with Used Gift Wrap
Making gum wrapper chains was and great way to spend a rainy or snowy afternoon. Although you might not have gum wrappers available, no problem! We used recycled gift wrap to make this chain. We have some ideas of what to do with this besides just making a long chain. (The longest one on record …
Adorable Paper Dolls
The kids and I have spent some time playing with these really cute paper dolls from The Toymaker. It is a lovely site with lots of free Paper Toy Patterns… worth checking out. The Tiny Littles Paper Dolls have some very cute Halloween Costumes. My kids’ favorites were the fairy and the pirate. …