The Three Birdies Glass Case has always been one of my favorite designs. Truth be told, I have about 20 pairs (no exaggeration) of reading glasses spewed throughout the house. I ALWAYS have a pair on top of my head… sometimes I forget and throw a second pair up there which gets me strange looks if I go out in public like that… SO I seldom use an eyeglass case. I’ve been meaning to come up with a more useful purpose for this design. Any ideas? The original post and pattern can be found HERE.
This would be a great case for transporting/protecting rotary cutters when taking them to class/camp. A possible”tweek” might be to sandwich in a protective layer(screening,heavy interfacing, etc)for safety if the cutter does not have a cover. Could also be used for scissors???
I love both of these ideas! I am going to have to go through my scissors and rotary cutters to see if any of them fit in the case without altering the pattern. It might also be a good idea to add a fabric covered elastic cord and button at the top to prevent them from sliding out in your bag.
I originally found your blog when searching ro tricks for cutting felt as I have been making hair clips for my daughter. Your birdies when attached to an alligator hair clip would be adorable. Or you could attach them to a bracelet, baby blanket, mittens, hat, canvas bag, etc etc. Cute birdies like that could land anywhere!
I only discovered your blog several weeks ago, God knows how I missed you because it seems like ALL my friends know of you. Well, I’ve been busy keeping up with all your current crafty goodness and haven’t had a chance to plow through your extensive archives. (Saving that for a sort of sick day when I confine myself to my couch with a cup of tea and my laptop.) This is a long way of saying I Love your blog. Nope, that’s not right, I’m IN LOVE with your blog. So much talent and warmth. I am delighted you are highlighting some of your past crafts. I love these little birdies. My mom has been asking me to make a yardstick cover for her. I ask you, don’t you think a flock of these little guys wouldn’t be perfect on a holder? How fun to personalize all of them.
Long winded, I know but I just wanted to say thank you for a wonderful blog. I know someday when I have children I’m going to live here!!!!!!!!
Thanks for such a fun craft. i think it would make the perfect bookmark for those that still read REAL books. Too cute and fun.