Just in the knick of time, I finished the last 2 gnomes in our series, Big Gnomes for Little Hands, and was able to take them with me on my trip last week, and give them to The Little Lady. She was quite smitten with them, and spent half her time chewing on their hats (giving them a wonderfully unique look) and half her time holding onto the hat and swinging them around. And, yes, I can speak from experience, it does hurt when you are clobbered in the nose by a 7 month old armed with a gnomie πŸ™‚



Next summer, Tim and I will be building her a gnome house (and, yes, the summer of 2012 we will FINALLY do a tutorial on how to make a gnome house!). She will then be old enough to play with the smaller gnomes without fearing a choke hazard. In the meantime, she has a set of 6 rainbow gnomes, perfect for little hands.

If you know of a set of pudgy little hands that would enjoy her own set of big gnomes, the tutorials can be found below:

Heart and Cloud Gnomes

Toadstool and Sun Gnomes

Lavender and Apple Gnomes