Be careful using our Basic Waldorf Peg Gnome Pattern. Once you let a gnome in your life, you’ll never be without one again! Our house is crawling with gnomes. We have unassuming gnomes and rather ostentatious gnomes. We have gnomes that love to tell stories and shy ones that prefer to listen. We even harbor a couple rather naughty gnomes, but down deep, they have a heart of gold! Their personalities are as different as you’d expect in any group of friends. For that reason, we’d like to give you the opportunity to invite a few Waldorf peg gnomes into your house.
Here’s how to make felt gnomes. These are the traditional Waldorf style peg gnomes. They are simple and faceless, quick to make, and can easily populate your gnome abode in hours!
Important Note: People turnings (wooden pegs) are not all created equal. Even pegs bought from the same company can be slightly different. I highly suggest you make a copy of the Waldorf peg gnome pattern, cut it out of paper, and “try it on” your wooden pegs. Make adjusts to the paper pattern before cutting out your felt.
Basic Waldorf Peg Gnome Pattern Materials:
- Wool felt pieces – two colors
- 6 strand embroidery floss or pearl cotton
- People turnings (wooden pegs)
- Adults 2 3/8″ x 7/8″
- Children 1 11/16″ x 5/8″
- Craft glue
- Adult Peg Gnome Pattern
- Child Peg Gnome Pattern
- Sharp Scissors
Basic Waldorf Peg Gnome Pattern Directions:
[1] Cut hat and cloak out of color A and body wrap out of color B.
[2] Glue body wrap to people turning. Match bottom edge of wrapping with bottom edge of turning.
[3] Blanket stitch the outer edge of the cloak using 6 strands of embroidery floss.
[4] Wrap cloak around the body slightly overlapping in the front at the neckline. Use 6 strands of embroidery and satin stitch closed.
[5] Blanket stitch the lower edge of the hat using 6 strands of embroidery floss.
[6] Following the Waldorf peg gnome pattern, overlap hat edges to create cone. Pin together and use 2 strands of matching embroidery floss to sew together. You can either use a blanket stitch or a running stitch.
[7] Place a line of crafting glue on the inside of the hat near the edge. Position the hat on the gnome tilting it slightly backward.
[8] Give your gnome a name and introduce him or her to your household!
Do you know if you could make different little people from this pattern? I have all boys in the family and I really don’t think gnomes would be “tough” enough for them. Me, personally, I love them! Totally cute! But the testosterone wins.
I was wondering how to make pirates or cowboys and if you had any ideas.
Love your site. Just added you to my bloglist.
We have talked about that several times. Bug is 6 1/2, and although he will still play in the gnome house with his younger sisters, he’s usually responsible for mischief and mayhem… usually involving dinosaurs or uninvited trolls! We are thinking pirates and knights for little people, and although I do have some ideas, and even some sketches, I probably won’t get to them for a couple of months. Basically, just think of the doodads that each have, like bandannas and eye patches, tabors and swords. Just start putzing… that’s how I design. Good luck with them, and keep checking back, because it is on our to-do list, and actually pretty high on it
Oh yay! I will check in! I’ve never been crafty before, not really, but hey, being broke taps things inside that may not have ever surfaced before.
Long live creativity! I’ve already been looking at the turnings at Casey’s… but I think my hubby could make them… he’s a carpenter. I wonder if dowels would work, to spin them down on a lathe… I’ll ask him.
WOW~I just found your site through the Woolfelt Central people. Your stuff is amazing~thank you so much for sharing your wonderful patterns. This is the stuff that I just love!! Thank you again so much~I really love your patterns. :~)
We’re glad you found us, too! We are always delighted to find others that can make use of our patterns. Now that you found us, we hope to see lots of us!
I’m trying these tonight for my daughter’s birthday. I’m not very crafty so very nervous. Thank you for your detailed pictures and instructions!!
Good luck
I think you’ll find that they are pretty easy to make. Let us know how they turn out!
I LOVE these gnomes!! I have made tons in the last few weeks. I had been making them for myself( just to decorate with) when my 4 yr old boy, Fisher, fell in love with them. He’s asked for one in every color. I made a modified flower fairy with a pointy hat that has a brim. (Sort of a witches hat.) Super cute! Thanks for all your wonderful patterns. We have projects for months!
You will have to excuse me. I just discovered your blog and I’m going nutz. So many things to see. I have long admired all the little gnomey things I’ve seen on line, but until now I hadn’t thought about making my own. They look easy. I’m going to get some pegs and give them a try. I want to make rainbow ones.
Thank you soooooooo much for the amazing and inspiring gnome pattern! i have been making them for many loved and treasured spirits!! They will forever be a part of my life!!!!
I tried these. The girls love them. I now have to try those leprachauns! You are so generous with your ideas and tutes!
I have just made a spring one and going to make the baby tomorrow. Its so exciting and have added them to my Easter tree and Easter table display. I have most of today looking at this website and its amazing. Will be making lots more…going to try the Easter eggs next
Thanks so much for this website!!!
I’m glad you found our site, Rita, and that you are enjoying it. If you have a digital camera, we would love to see some of your projects. If you have a blog and post your projects there, you can add a link here in comments…. OR… you can add a photo to WFA’s Flickr group… or if you are on Facebook, you can become a fan of WFA and add a photo to the Fan’s photos… OR… you can always email us a pic. We want to give our readers many ways to show off their work
These are great! I am making my first pair and hoping to make many more! I do have a question, however. How long do you leave glue to dry and what do you use to press felt to the body while drying? I tried using rubber band but it left terrible marks. Also the glue really seeped through felt and left noticeable spots (I used all-purpose glue, which is suitable for wood and fabric), do you have such problem? Right now I just glued the ends to the body and laid it on this side to dry, we’ll see if it will hold!
I use crafting glue, usually Aleene’s Original Tacky Glue. You can get it at any crafting store. It is like Elmer’s glue only thicker. I put the glue on as shown in the photo. I lay the felt in place, then roll it back and forth between my palm and the table applying a little pressure. The Tacky Glue bonds quickly. I am able to just keep working without waiting for the glue to totally dry. When gluing on the hats, I glue in place, pat with my fingertips, and that’s it. You shouldn’t need rubber bands or weighting it down if you use the right glue. Also, if your glue is coming through your felt, either you are using crafting felt, which is thinner than the wool/wool blends and the glue can seep through, or your glue is too watery. And don’t worry if a little seeps through. When it dries, you probably won’t be able to see it.
Thank you for your thorough reply! It actually dried and holds fine just by the edges but I will go and find Tacky Glue. I will post photos of my gnomes soon!
These are adorable. I made a wee family last night, skipping the stitched edges for time’s sake, and they are still the cutest little things ever. I also crocheted a little home for them from this site. It’s wonderful. I will try to post pics.
Cute little house. Definitely post pics. Can’t wait to see them!
Thanks for sharing Mama!! It’s soo over time that I dressed up our little people –
Thank you, these are great! Here are mine:
Now I just need to come up with a house and furniture for them.
Not sure how I missed these cuties. Going to blame it on the season… always so much going on. Thanks for sharing the photos. I agree with Tina, the bearded little guy is awesome
I just made my very first gnome (for a swap) and used your pattern. Since I had never made one before, it was a great way to get started! Though I don’t think I will use it again, since I like to work free-handed once I know what I’m doing. But I wrote a post about it, and linked up to your site for the pattern. I’m sure it would help others who are not sure where to start, like me
Thanks so much for sharing all your creativity!
So I made a pair of adults because I just couldn’t resist how stinking cute they are. I also made a pumpkin and mushroom pincushion to go with them. I had a genius idea from the person that posted about the gnome house and I’m going to try to find a birdhouse or one of those bug catcher wooden house things and make a gnome house out of that. I made my gnome bodies from clay because I couldn’t find the pegs and I needed these on a time crunch. I made them a little tiny smidgeon too big so I had to find a way to resize the hat and cape. Wasn’t too bad. Now my friend wants a set and a house for christmas. I can’t wait to make them. Soon as I’m done with the other 10 projects I’m working on. Also my BF saw them and wants me to make him a Dallas Cowboys gnome.. how the heck…. well.. We’ll see. Thanks for the inspiration and adorable gnomes.
My 3 wee ones and I made ourselves 3 wee gnomes! I’ve been pouring over this site, absolutely enchanted by all the gnome sweetness. When I read through the direction for them, I realized that I had all of the materials already, minus the peg, and a quick trip to the hobby store got me all set up. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
Oh, how adorable! I love to see the way people personalize our designs. The hair on your wee girl is adorable! Thanks so much for sharing. I see a whole village in your future, hehe
Thank you for this great pattern. I was looking for a straightforward gnome pattern and it was perfect. I made some gnomes for Valentine’s Day for my blog and I mentioned your fantastic site and added a link to this post. Thanks for sharing this with everyone. Here is my blog link,
Thanks for supporting the wonderful world of Waldorf.
I found your site today via Prairie Point Junction and I love your Gnomes! I have a quilt retreat in November and I do believe some little gnomes will be sneaking in and surprising quilters around their sewing machines when no one is looking!!!
Welcome Catherine!
What a wonderful surprise that will be. Who can resist a sweet little gnome. They are also quite good quilters so they may be able to share some tips
Do give us an update after your retreat. Would love to hear how they went over. Feel free to include a photo. Have fun and stop by often ((hugs)) ~Kimara~
I know this is a very old post, but I just wanted you to know how much enjoyment my son is getting out of the gnomes I made from your pattern. I made a batch of them two and a half years ago during some bad winter weather to help relieve cabin fever. He’s 5 now and still plays with them often. He requested a real (wooden) house for them this past Christmas, which we have outfitted with various furnishings. I came back to the site today to reprint the pattern because I’m adding a GnomeBot 2000 to the mix as a surprise (he’s obsessed with robots currently). I plan to sew various jewelry finding cogs and gears to the cloak and body piece, which are made of gray felt. Thanks so much for providing this pattern!
I love your gnomes. I have made some for the front office of our charter school and all the kids love them. I would like to make some as a gift to our new first grade teacher and also have our junior high make some as a fund raiser for the Class 8 field trip. I had read somewhere on your website last fall that the pattern could be used for things outside of personal use with written permission so I want to make sure I ask before we get started. We love your website and seeing the gnomes in the office has led a few of our families to see all the wonderful items you create. Thank you for sharing so much.
Awesome! All we ask is that you share a link to our site whenever possible. Hope you have a successful fundraiser and we always love to see pics of projects in process and finished projects. Have a great time! ~Kimara~
[…] is by a three year old. You can still make a gnome home for a younger child but instead of making traditional gnomes, make our Big Gnomes for Littleu00A0Hands. Then make a simple 2 story home for the gnomes. When your […]
[…] Waldorf Inspired Gnomes […]
Thank You so much. I have mad gnomes for the days of the week, using the Waldorf colors of the week and Class one loves them. I found enough different colors of felt to make the entire alphabet in different colors. The large pegs are capital letters and the smaller pegs are lower case letters. This way the kids can match the colors and see the capital and lower case letters. I’ll see if I can figure out how to send pictures.
I’m going to make gnomes and the little beds to sell at the craft fair.
I always mention your sight to everyone who asks about the gnomes in the office and tell them that I order my supplies from the vendors you recommend. I got my first few peg people from my local craft store and then ordered bulk form Casey’s woods. I have found when I use the same vendors as you the patterns fit perfect.
I will have a sign advertising your site at the craft fair so anyone who would like to make gnomes of there own will know where to get a pattern.
I’m hoping to build the gnome house for the front office soon.
[…] I ran a copy of Wee Folk Art’s Waldorf Style Gnomes, both the adult and the child patterns, pulled a couple wooden pegs out for sizing, and before I […]
[…] of Santa Gnome, along with his sack of goodies for all wee gnome children! Following our basic Waldorf Style Gnome directions, I created Santa, with a few variations. Since these are super fast to make, you can […]