Showing: 169 - 180 of 282 RESULTS

Kleenex Carnations

I don’t know exactly what made me think about this the other day, but when Tim and I were talking and it occurred to me that I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen a “Just Married” sign on the back of a car or the ubiquitous Kleenex Carnations from our youth plastered all over …

Memories & Musings

Kleenex Carnations

I don’t know exactly what made me think about this the other day, but when Tim and I were talking and it occurred to me that I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen a “Just Married” sign on the back of a car or the ubiquitous Kleenex Carnations from our youth plastered all over it. …

Gnome & Fairy Dolls

A Whimsy of Knit Gnomes

I have always been fascinated by unique collective nouns. For instance, did you know a group of mice is called a “mischief”? Sounds about right, doesn’t it?  Or that dolphins travel in pods? Other names are band, horde, tribe, and coalition. (For a bunch of animal collective nouns, check out this list.) When I went to post this tutorial, …


Lily Pads and Water Lilies

Three selfish frogs learn a valuable lesson about sharing from a toad and a very scary thunderstorm in Leo Lionni’s It’s Mine. I created the pattern for the Water Lily and the Lily Pads to extend the story but you can certainly use these for decorating or adding to a nature table. I made 3 …


New Play Silks

Recently I started replacing my old, dearly loved, but showing their age play silks with new ones. (I’m mulling some ideas around on how to repurpose them!) I wanted a way of storing the silks that was accessible to the wee ones but added to my home’s decor. (I am working on a blog “Hidden in Plain Site” …


Felt Lily Pads

It began as a desire to have a few props for some of Leo Lionni’s books. I especially wanted to focus on It’s Mine. I began by drawing a frog and toad to be cut from wood, which I shall be sharing as soon as I cut out my toad. I then decided the frogs needed lily …

Tutorials & How-to

How To Cut Out Felt

EDIT: Whenever somebody works with any materials long enough, they come up with shortcuts and techniques that save time and give better results. Last year I shared a tutorial on how to cut out felt. I got so many “thank you”s from people that followed the instructions and got the results they were looking for. I …

Blog Info

A Time to Every Purpose

For the past 2 years, Michelle and I have spent every day, in one way or another, attending to Wee Folk Art. For those of you that have been with us from the beginning, you know me as the “Up Front” guy, and Michelle as the “Behind the Scenes” support. Although it was never our intent, Wee Folk …


Book Nook – Leo Lionni

Over the next few weeks I plan to share books with Bug, Fairy and Pixie by author and illustrator Leo Lionni. I have quite a few of his books in my collection including: It’s Mine An Extraordinary Egg Fish is Fish Swimmy Little Blue and Little Yellow Inch by Inch Frederick Matthew’s Dream A Color …