Showing: 85 - 96 of 134 RESULTS

Wooden Acorn Memory Game

Memory games of all types have long been a favorite of children. This version has children matching acorns of the same color. Besides enhancing memory skills, color recognition, counting and sorting abilities, it also encourages agility and dexterity in wee hands. And, because they are beautiful, they add to the warmth and charm to any room! To make your own you will need: 12 wood bean pots – 1 5/8″ …


Spring Flower Garland

The daffodils in our yard are just poking their heads through the ground, but I was aching for some flowers, NOW, so I decided to make my own. You can make a garland or 2 or 3 for yourself, too. Hang your Spring Flower Garland up and you’ll feel like you stumbled upon an enchanted …


Knitting Tower

The Camden Rose Knitting Tower is available from Amazon. When I was a little girl, my father made a “knitting spool” for me using a wooden spool from thread (they were all made out of wood back in the old’n days ðŸ™‚ and small finishing nails. I remember waiting for the first piece of tubing to make it’s way out of spool. It was like magic. As the coil grew I envisioned …


How to Join Wool Yarn

You can join 100% Wool Yarn for you knitting and weaving projects without having to weave in ends. The following excerpt was taken from our Knitting Tower post… but it is a useful trick that we wanted to be able to reference on its own. In case you are wondering how I join my yarn together …


Flower Fairy Wands

Who can turn flowers into fairies, a dog into a dragon, and a pesky sibling into a troll? Children, of course! With just a flick of their wrist and the help of a magic wand, ANYTHING is possible and probable 🙂 And, if the wand is a beautiful flower, all the better! To make your …


Shop Talk :: Getting Close

While we were off on “Spring Break”, we were busy getting everything “near” ready for our shop’s opening. Over the next two weeks we will be giving you sneak peeks of the products we will be selling and sharing our hopes and dreams for the shop and our blog. To begin with, we will be selling kits for some of our projects. These kits will include …


Happy Easter!

  I don’t often do this… simply share photos for the sake of showing off my grandbabies. But, I had all 4 of them with me yesterday… so indulge my Gammy moment ðŸ˜‰ Yesterday was the annual Easter Egg Hunt at our church. It was a picture perfect day. The best part is that all 4 of my grandbabies were there. The Little Lady, along with her …


Puddles and Ponds update…

Hi everyone. I just thought I would stop in and let you all know that the new Homeschool Companion Puddles and Ponds schedule and book list are organized and ready to use. I don’t have it ready as a printable pdf (I’m working on updating all of the unit pdfs) but in the mean time …


Puddles and Ponds Activity Guide

Puddles and Ponds Activity Guide Click here for the Puddles and Ponds Schedule and Book List. The science experiments can be found in Nature in a Nutshell or One Small Square Pond. Use Can You Hear It for your art and music appreciation. Make a Weather Chart to use daily. This chart should have space …


Puddles and Ponds Schedule

  This unit was designed to be used as a summer guide in our homeschool companion series. If you followed our other units you will notice a few differences. First there is no phonics/alphabet study included. If you child has completed the Pre-Explode the Code books A-C and you would like to continue… feel free …

Blog Info

Spring Break

I have a few announcements to make. First, please welcome our new sponsors The Felt Pod and Armadillo Dreams. Stop by and check them out. We are planning something special with each of them in the upcoming weeks… stay tuned. Second, It is spring break time for us. Kimara and I will be taking a bit of time …