Showing: 373 - 384 of 1,249 RESULTS
Memories & Musings

Unrequited Dreams

  Maybe it’s because we’ve had a cool spring or maybe it’s because I’ve been so busy this year, that my annual ritual of bringing out ALL my water color paints has been delayed. But today, yes today, I gathered everything together and, well, instead of retelling an old story, I’ll share a post I …

Memories & Musings

Girl Meets Sewing Machine

When I was in middle school, actually, at the time, we referred to it as “junior high”, girls took home ec and boys took shop… end of story. Must admit, I was flippin’ excited! I did a lot of hand sewing, but I had never used a sewing machine. My mom had one, but I …

Memories & Musings

I Need A Time Out!

You know what I need sometimes… someone to put me in “time out”. Seriously! On days when I’m feeling particularly snarky, it would be heavenly to have someone say, “I don’t care for your attitude young lady. Go to your room until you can …be civilized!” YES, please! SEND ME TO MY ROOM! Children do …

Yummy Recipes

Three Cheers for Soft-Boiled Eggs

Last fall Tim and I were sitting side-by-side at our computers just surfin’. It was a leisurely Saturday evening, we were staying in, and we were playing a little game we often do where we take turns sharing songs, usually songs that have meaning to us, or songs that we grew up listening to. One of the …



You’ve heard of Snowflakes… well, get ready for what we have termed “Flowerflakes”! This past winter I did a blog on creating traditional snowflakes. The post can be found HERE. Besides adding beauty to the house, it served a purpose. Our bird feeders are right outside this window. Our feathered friends can mistake the glass window for “sky” and …


Happy Birthday, Art-Art

If you’ve been following me for any period of time, you’ll know that over a year ago, we needed to move my dad into a home for dementia patients. It was a very hard decision, but, fortunately, the right one. He is happy there. He thrives in the routine and quiet. And, my Mom can …


Wanting Is A Lot Like Not Having

So… Tim and I are sitting side-by-side at our computers, enjoying a lazy Saturday morning before chaos ensues. As we surf along, we seem to take turns saying, “Hey, look at this!” We’re a lot like two toddlers playing next to one another …in a sandbox… not really needing much from one another, but enjoying …


A Knight Needs a Mighty Steed

Just about ready to post the pattern for our Knights and Squires, BUT, how successful can a knight be without a mighty steed? With the help of The Red Knight and his Squire, I designed a horse, to be cut out of wood this weekend. Starting next week, I will share the patterns and tutorials for …