Showing: 49 - 60 of 71 RESULTS
Christmas Crafting Home & Garden

Drawstring Gift Bag Pattern with Contrast Casing

Few things are quite so handy as a drawstring bag. Small ones can be used to hold wee treasures like necklaces and lost teeth. Large ones can be used to wrap odd shaped presents like Teddy Bears and wooden trucks. They are great for holding lots of loose pieces, like a gathering of acorns or building blocks. No matter what size you need, they are all made basically the same. …

Crafting Home & Garden

Ballet Slipper Bookmark Pattern

As we are getting close to recital time, our felt Ballet Slipper Bookmark Pattern makes a great gift for dance teachers. Monday evening Michelle called me up and said, “Hey, Mom. Can you do me a favor?” Experience has taught me 2 things… first, I seldom say “No” to my children, and second, no matter how …

Home & Garden

Gift Box – Winter Blues Buster

I know there are some of you that flat out refuse the think about Christmas until after the last Thanksgiving dinner plate has been dried and put away. If that describes you, you’ll probably go absolutely ballistic when I start talking about the Post Holiday’s Blues. It’s January. You’ve just packed away the last of …