Showing: 469 - 480 of 671 RESULTS

Community Knitting Basket

Just about everyone I know knits. If they didn’t know how to before meeting me, chances are I’ll be teaching them. Although I am a multi-crafter, knitting is often my "go to" craft I use for television watching, chatting with friends, or waiting in doctors’ offices. It’s neat, easy to pack up, and if you …


In the Land of the Pharaohs

Bug, Fairy and Pixie are learning about Ancient Egypt. When they needed a pyramid, and needed one fast, we got out the Big Bucket-O-Legos and started building. After about an hour, the five of us… Bug, Fairy, Pixie, Mommy and Gammy, constructed a pyramid we were all pretty darn proud of. When we were done, …


When the Cows Come Home

January, February and March are the months Michelle and I decorate. It is post holidays and before the gardens call us outdoors. Below is a post from One Generation to Another, first published June 8, 2008. We decided this would be a great time to share this because we will be doing our handprint project next week. Watch for the handprints below!  I have …


Angel Watercolor Paintings

The kids created these beautiful Angels Rejoicing Paintings this week. I got the basic idea for the watercolor technique from Gail at ThatArtistWoman (I love her blog for kid art ideas) and from that I developed our own unique holiday related theme project. This project took us two days and incorporated several of my kids …


Checker Board Scarf

Believe it or not, there is still time to knit a scarf for a Christmas gift… or, be self indulgent like me  😉 and knit one for yourself to help keep you toasty warm over the winter months. This scarf is an easy pattern to knit, suitable for beginners that know how to knit and purl. It is a …


Visiting My Baby

This past weekend Tim and I headed out to visit my youngest son and his wife in Wisconsin. The children always “Come Home” for the holidays, and we never get a chance to share their holiday decorations. So, this year, we took a long weekend, drove the 7 hours, and had a lovely weekend! It …


Checkboard Mittens

These mittens are easy to knit, suitable for advanced beginners. It is a basic checkerboard pattern, with blocks made up of 4 stitches and rows. It matches our Checkerboard Scarf pattern. They would look lovely made up in soft wools. I, unfortunately, am allergic to wool, so I made mine out of an acrylic. These mittens are best …


Gift Boxes

Just a quick peek at something new we are going to be doing here at Wee Folk Art. When we give gifts, not only do we want our gifts to be lovely, we want our presentation to be just as charming. So, we plan to start sharing Gift Boxes. These will be  collections of our crafts, thematically …



This is going to be my shortest blog ever! In the past 24 hours I have been bombarded with questions from people wanting to know how I cut my felt. I gave an explanation in a comment, but I’ve had follow up questions. I think the easiest way to handle this is to do a little tute. …


Just a Peek!

We had a very busy weekend, tons and tons of fun… but we were exposed to lots and lots of people. Michelle and I assumed SOMEONE would stumble upon a bug this weekend… and, as it turns out, the first to fall was BUG. He came down with a temp through the night so all …