From time to time throughout the month of December, Michelle and I are sharing little peeks of our Holiday homes. Wish we could have everyone over for a cup of wassail and a nice chat. Since we can’t, this is our way of sharing a little of our holiday cheer! If you have a blog and are posting photos …
Hidden in Plain Site
Yesterday there was a lovely comment made by Tara at Fiddle Mama. (Thank you, Tara 🙂 She also mentioned that she just made the Quick Craft Basket. She was delighted that now she has all their crafting supplies in one spot, and when the creative juices start flowing in her wee ones, she isn’t riping the house apart looking for supplies, they’re all in a …
Eucalyptus Wreath
Have you ever had a summer that you felt like you lost? Here we are, with Fall around the corner, and I realized that I did precious few of my summer activities. It was an extraordinary summer. Memorial Day weekend my mother decided it was time to move into a condo… something I’ve been suggesting …
A Year of Rip and Tear Napkins!
I bought this cabinet over ten years ago to hold my ever expanding collection of music cds. Designed for that purpose, it served me well. Then, in the past few years, I started buying my music online and was going to the cabinet less and less. Finally, I moved the collection downstairs and began using the cabinet …
New Play Silks
Recently I started replacing my old, dearly loved, but showing their age play silks with new ones. (I’m mulling some ideas around on how to repurpose them!) I wanted a way of storing the silks that was accessible to the wee ones but added to my home’s decor. (I am working on a blog “Hidden in Plain Site” …
Tissue Paper Easter Eggs
Want to go a little crazy with your Easter eggs this year? Instead of the standard dyed eggs, try this easy technique. With a little tissue paper and Mod Podge, you can turn out these colorful and fanciful eggs in no time. This is definitely a craft you can do with children, and you really can’t …
Cat and Mouse Banner
We are always encouraging our readers to use our applique patterns to meet your own needs. I have a little wall with shaker pegs where I hang my Easy Cotton Shawls. I wanted a little something above the pegs… something that added a little color and a lot of fun. I crafted a banner using …
Cat and Mouse Banner
Do you have a wide but shallow spot in your house that needs a little "something"? Try making a long, skinny banner to fill the spot with some playful happiness. For this banner, we combined our Running Kitty and Running Mouse Appliques, but use your imagination and our applique blocks to create your own banner! The finished …
Gnome Snowflake Garland
Let’s face it. It’s the little things we do that make a house a home. And when we are in tune with nature, our homes often reflect the "goings on" outside. That certainly is one of the reasons houses have windows… so we feel the connection with the out-of-doors. Well, the mistress of our Gnome Home… Britta, …
Gnome Snowflake Garland
The gnomes enjoy decorating their houses seasonal just like the rest of us. Britta saw the Traditional Snowflakes we scattered throughout the house, and wanted some, too! So, I got right on it for her. She loves them! If you’d like to make some snowflakes for your gnome or doll house, you can make a garland …
Traditional Snowflakes
You don’t need to wait for a blizzard to play in a Winter Wonderland… not if you make your own indoor snowstorm! Grab a sharp pair of scissors and doilies, and before it know it, it will be snowing inside! Materials: Doilies – different sizes Transparent Nylon thread Laminating film or clear glossy contact paper (optional) …
Traditional Snowflakes
The 2 earliest crafts I remember making are paper chains, held together with a flour paste my mom made, and snowflakes. I can remember folding construction paper into eighths, instead of sixths, because eighths were easier to fold, and cutting through 8 layers of construction paper with those blunt end, dull school scissors. I can …