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Showcases Winter

Snowflake Crafts

Tucking away all my holiday decorations is always a bittersweet experience. On one hand I’m ready to return my house, and my life, to some semblance of order after the chaos of the season, but on the other hand my house can feel so drab after the colorful decorations are stowed away for next year. …


Traditional Snowflakes

You don’t need to wait for a blizzard to play in a Winter Wonderland… not if you make your own indoor snowstorm! Grab a sharp pair of scissors and doilies, and before it know it, it will be snowing inside! Materials: Doilies – different sizes Transparent Nylon thread Laminating film or clear glossy contact paper (optional) …


Traditional Snowflakes

The 2 earliest crafts I remember making are paper chains, held together with a flour paste my mom made, and snowflakes. I can remember folding construction paper into eighths, instead of sixths, because eighths were easier to fold, and cutting through 8 layers of construction paper with those blunt end, dull school scissors. I can …