Showing: 1153 - 1164 of 1,249 RESULTS

Collage of Projects

We thought it would be rather fun to bring together all the various projects that we shared over the past 4 months. Most of them are quick projects so if you’re still in need of some Christmas ideas, most of these are very doable. Just click on the picture and it will take you to …


Finally Done with the Hobby Horses!

I finally finished the hobby horses. Boy, these sure have been a long undertaking. It’s not that making the individual horses took that long, but when you design something instead of following a pattern, you wind up with a couple beta runs and there’s usually at least some “tweakage”! The last piece was trying to decide how …


Another Project Done!

    I’ve learned 2 very important things in the past 24 hours. First, I’m as allergic to alpaca as I am to wool, and second, apparently my pictures turn out just as good when I’m blindly flailing the camera around as when I painstakingly try to control focus and lighting! Yesterday, I decided to sneak in …


Holiday Gnomes New Home

Our winner of the Holiday Gnome Give-Away just sent a pic of the happy couple in their new home. They seem very pleased, and why shouldn’t they be? Rumor has it that they were gifts for 2 little girls. What could be more fun? BTW … Our winner, Cat, has a lovely blog where she talks …


What is this?

Anyone want to guess what this is? Perhaps the inside of my wastebasket? Or the floor after I’ve finished a project? (Uh, no it isn’t BUT this IS what my floor looks like after I’ve finished a project! Why aim for the wastebasket when the floor is so much more convenient?) Anyway, what you’re looking at …


Evolving Blog

Michelle and I have a tendency to view inadament objects, like our homes, as living, breathing, organic entities that must continuously evolve or face extinction. It’s not surprising that we’d treat our blog in the same manner. And that should explain why the look of our blog is changing yet again! Michelle is the graphic …


Treasure Pouch

To get more information and photos of this project, CLICK HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE. I created the Treasure Pouch so my grandbabies could take them along on walk-abouts. It’s just big enough, 7″ x 6″, to tuck away several “keepers”, without being too heavy or cumbersome! Materials: Pattern Pieces Snail Applique Pattern Flower Applique Pattern …


Mitered Bowl Directions

When Michelle posted her blog on the Mitered Bowls, she called me up and asked if I was up for getting the directions together. Okay, I put the afghan aside, and dug through my files to find the directions I’d written up this past summer. A quick read through convinced me that a diagram was in order, so …