Showing: 421 - 432 of 503 RESULTS

Something for the Boy

Ok, some of my other projects got derailed this week. Bug has been asking when am I going to make him something. I do tend to sew more for the girls… but let me clarify that he gets his fair share of knitwear. Gammy (Kimara) took it upon herself to stock up on lots of …

Blog Info

Filling In

So, I guess I have been handed over the reigns over here at Wee Folk Art with mom’s instructions of “feed the fish, don’t kill the plants.” Sounds pretty easy… but what to post about? I do have a couple things I’ve been working on… some summer dresses for the girls, a couple dinosaur quilt …

Family Life

Finger Painting Patio Tables

Today is just gorgeous outside and I wanted to get the kids out to do a big messy project. I was going to have them finger paint at their picnic table but it really needed a good cleaning since it has been outside all winter. Then the brilliant idea of using the bath tub paints we made …


Old Seed Project

  After commenting on the previous post… I decided to pull up some project notes of a seed project Bug did a couple years ago… prior to my blogging. I can’t believe that this was TWO YEARS AGO (he was four at the time). Wow… has time flown. If nothing else, it should make up …


Show & Tell – Jan 23, 09

Welcome to our first Friday Show and Tell. We are hoping that this will become a favorite with our readers and that many will participate by sharing projects they are working on now or have completed. Anyone can join in the fun. You DO NOT need to be a registered member to participate. This can …


Dino Days

Here are some highlights from our Dinosaur learning activities.   Pixie reading in the Dino Cave.   Bug working on a journal page about T-Rex.   One of the Dino puzzles I keep tripping on.   Bug making Play-Dough Dinos.   Bug learning about how lizards get energy from food.   Bug playing with some …