Showing: 49 - 60 of 60 RESULTS
Daily Postings

Dragon Scarves – CHECK!

Remember those Dragon Scarves I mentioned awhile ago as Christmas gifts for my nephews? Well, I finally finished them this evening… along with matching hats and mittens so I can check this project off my list! These make my first fully completed Christmas gifts. Now to wrap them and ship them off. I hope everyone …

Daily Postings

Christmas Banner

Today Britta awoke to two marvelous surprises. First, the first snowfall of the winter, and second, news that her city kin will be coming to spend the holidays. She has already begun her preparations, because there will be so much to do. She spent the morning carefully packing away her fall treasures, and began the …

Daily Postings

Wool Penny Coasters

The other day I was going through some old books and came upon a wool penny rug that I’ve wanted to make for years…I shared the pic last week. I know I don’t have enough time right now to tackle a rug, but I wanted to use the wool pennies for SOMETHING! I started a table runner, …

Daily Postings

November’s Pattern of the Month

November’s Pattern of the Month is now ready! Spoon dolls, as we know them today, probably originated in Colonial America, where resourceful mothers and children, made playthings from available materials. Wooden spoons, a staple in rich and poor families alike, offered a ready made head, and their bodies could be elaborate, adorned with bits of …

Daily Postings

Night, Night Gnome!

It’s lights out and time for all gnomes to dream their “gnomey” dreams! What could be more comfy than to snuggle into an autumn sleeping bag? Make 1 or 20, depending on how many gnomes reside in your house. Directions are easy as 1, 2, 3…well maybe 4, 5, 6, but they can be whipped …

Daily Postings

Ideas A Plenty

I was born a crafter. Some of my earliest memories involve yarns and fabrics. I started collecting ideas out of books and magazines when I was around 10. Whenever I go somewhere, I’m making mental notes of designs or arrangements I find enthralling. Thank goodness for the camera on my cell phone. I’m always snapping …

Daily Postings

A Pixie Peasant Skirt

Note: Tutorial for the peasant skirt can be found HERE. It seems like lately everything I make for Pixie turns out too big and ends up in Fairy’s possession. I think, in part, this is a fear of making something too small with no one else to hand it down to, but it also has a lot …