Showing: 217 - 228 of 671 RESULTS

A Knight Needs a Mighty Steed

Just about ready to post the pattern for our Knights and Squires, BUT, how successful can a knight be without a mighty steed? With the help of The Red Knight and his Squire, I designed a horse, to be cut out of wood this weekend. Starting next week, I will share the patterns and tutorials for …


Nesting Material Cages

Although the thermometer never went above 36 degrees today, the fact is that our fair weather birds that winter in nice, toasty warm climates, have returned… and love is in the air! No matter what the thermometer says, birds are going to nest. So, today the girls worked on putting together Nesting Material Cages to …


A Wee Bit of Trouble

We've adopted a new bundle of joy (and fur and nails… and oh so sharp puppy teeth)! Meet Fargo (named from a character on our family favorite show Eureka) our lab mix puppy (they say pug… I'm not sure we see it). We brought him home from a rescue group two weeks ago and the …


The Reader’s Path

Several weeks ago I stumbled upon this picture somewhere… out there… on the net. After a bit of searching, I came up with the original. It is titled "The Reader's Path", which was digitally created by "jerry8448". I purchased a 20" x 30" print of it from Deviant Art. (Notice the names of the books …


Making Rolled Paper Beads

Making rolled paper beads is so easy, and they turn out so beautiful, that you will find that you can easily get addicted to this nifty past time. What do you do with the beads when you are done? Anything you would do with any other beads. The durability of the bead really depends on how …



When learning a new craft, there are several scenarios that you should try to avoid. First, avoid projects that are FAR above your abilities. It’s okay to be challenged, but if the project is too hard, you will inevitably become frustrated,… and this can result in the abandonment of a craft before you've had a …


Peg Owls

I will be going to visit Little Lady and Little Guy in a few weeks. Of course, what proper Gammy would go calling empty handed? So, I've been already thinking about what I'd like to make for them. I want something small and light weight that will fit nicely in the small travel bag I …


Lord of the Rings Lego Champ

Just had to share a truly exciting moment for Bug. We came home from a fantastic Nature Center field trip yesterday afternoon to a giant box on the front porch. As we pulled into the garage I was racking my brain trying to remember what on earth I had ordered. Had something been back ordered …