Fukuwarai Game Tutorial (Lucky Laugh)

The Fukuwarai Game traditionally is play on New Year’s Eve. The Japanese word fukuwarai translates to mean “lucky laugh”. It is believed that if you begin the New Year laughing, joy will follow you throughout the year.

The earliest reference to the game dates back to the early 1600s. Traditionally, the face was a pudgy, rosy cheeked woman. Over time the face is sometimes changed to reflect current culture, including animals. The game is usually played on the floor, but can be played on a table or enlarged and played on a wall.

In all cases the Fukuwarai Game has the outline of a face with the facial features missing. Facial features are individual pieces.

Fukuwarai Game Play
To play the game one player is blindfolded. Before them is the outline of the face plus the facial features. Much like Pin the Tail on the Donkey, except the player tries to place facial features on the face in the correct position. People that are watching can give verbal guidance to the player. When the player thinks the face is correct, the blindfold is removed. As you can imagine, the more off the face looks, the sillier it is. Laughing should ensue!

Fukuwarai Game

Materials Needed

  • Pattern of face outline and facial features Page 1 and Page 2
  • Paper for printing – we used card stock but any paper can be used
  • Markers, crayons, paints, etc.
  • Scissors
  • Blindfold

Make a copy of the face outline and facial features. Page 1 and Page 2

Fukuwarai Game

Color the hair on the face and decorate around the outside of the head. Color the features. (Make sure to do this before you cut out the pieces. It is much easier!) Cut of facial features.

Fukuwarai Game

You are ready to play!

Fukuwarai Game