Showing: 481 - 492 of 1,249 RESULTS

Happy Easter!

  I don’t often do this… simply share photos for the sake of showing off my grandbabies. But, I had all 4 of them with me yesterday… so indulge my Gammy moment ðŸ˜‰ Yesterday was the annual Easter Egg Hunt at our church. It was a picture perfect day. The best part is that all 4 of my grandbabies were there. The Little Lady, along with her …


Spring Time Flower Garland

The daffodils in our yard are just poking their heads through the ground, but I was aching for some flowers, NOW, so I decided to make my own. You can make a garland or 2 or 3 for yourself, too. Hang your Spring Flower Garland up and you’ll feel like you stumbled upon an enchanted flower fairy garden. With a kiss of spring and …


How Robin Saved Spring :: Book Review

  When it comes to children’s books, I find my favorite books tend to be the classics. As a preschool and elementary school teacher, I was exposed to the latest books, and although there were many wonderful new books, my top 10 still would have been the tried and true. I find even today, as I peruse the books at Barnes and Noble, I find myself comparing books …


Looking for an Awesome Knit Baby Afghan Pattern

I’m not any good at keeping secrets… it would be safe to say I suck at it, although I should elaborate. I’m not good at keeping “good news” secrets. You know, pregnancies, marriages, promotions… I’m just so excited for people that I’ll burst if I can’t share the good news. On the other hand, if you tell me a secret from the heart, about hard …


Out of the Block | Wooden Kites w/wo Pegs

Continuing with our Out of the Block Series, we are sharing ways in which our Applique Blocks can be used in non-traditional ways. This month, we took our Kite Applique Block and turned it into a wooden kite with a peg suitable for hanging “stuff” 🙂 Of course, if you just want to use them for decoration, simply leave the peg off, and let a sky full of …


Introducing Our Wee Folk Art Cottage Industry License

Edit: Please note we just added an answer an important question at the bottom of the post… I am interested, now what do I do? Rather important question to have omitted. Oops 🙂 You can find the answer in the text. Remember to contact with ANY questions you might have. Michelle and I receive many emails each day. Two of the most common are: do you ever sell …

Applique Patterns Directory Spring

Kite Applique Block

Yesterday we shared this month’s Out of the Block project… a wooden kite made using today’s Kite Applique Block. What is it about kites that excites us so? Is it the fact that a little paper, wood and string, can be transformed into a soaring vision? Or is it, that for just a little while, we feel …


About A Girl

We’ve been home a few days, and I am finally starting to catch up. Before I move on to some new projects, I wanted to share some highlights of our visit. Not surprisingly, most of my photos were of the Little Lady. Here’s some highlights. First… concerning the gifts I made: The pants were too big in the waist, so I had to pop open a seam and make the elastic smaller. …


Frayed Fabric Flower

A couple of weeks ago I shared a sweater and hat I knitted for the Little Lady. (Leaving Thursday for a week long visit 🙂 I wanted a little embellishment for the hat, and I made a flower using the material that I will be using to make her 2 pairs of reversible pants. Although I sewed the flower directly on her hat, you could easily add a brooch pin so …


Crocheted Kitty Cat DONE!

Finished the Kitty Cat. YAY! It was a detour away from all the other things I needed to get done this week, but I am very pleased with it. As a beginner crocheter, I found the pattern easy to follow, and I am every so grateful to Jules at Little Woollie for generously sharing her talents with her readers.  I put in the center granny square that …