Showing: 25 - 36 of 98 RESULTS

Our Fairy Welcomes Autumn

Just in time for our Annual Pumpkin Carving party, Fairy received her Earth in Autumn leaf mask from Mythical Designs. It is beyond lovely, and seems to magically transform our Fairy girl into a sprite of the season. Today we will be busily prepping for our autumn party, which like most celebrations includes baking, oh …

Coloring Pages Fall

Autumn Tree Coloring Page

Although autumn brings with it an array of new colors… oranges, gold, browns and maroons… filling our landscape with a bold splash of color… often our skies are dreary and gray. Thank goodness for all the colors in our trees and bushes. You can use today’s coloring page to try to reflect the realism of …

Fall Memories & Musings

The Printed Word

Forgive me Madonna for hijacking your song but… “You know that we are living in a digital world, and I am a digital girl.” Obviously, I spend a hefty chunk of each day using digital devices. Running our Wee Folk Art blog and Facebook page, means I’m at my computer a lot. Also, I do download …