Showing: 13 - 24 of 69 RESULTS
Yummy Recipes

Three Cheers for Soft-Boiled Eggs

Last fall Tim and I were sitting side-by-side at our computers just surfin’. It was a leisurely Saturday evening, we were staying in, and we were playing a little game we often do where we take turns sharing songs, usually songs that have meaning to us, or songs that we grew up listening to. One of the …


Lamb Brooch and Yarn Sheep

Last week was Michelle’s birthday. For her gift this year I got her the book 101 Designer One-Skein Wonders: A world of possibilities inspired by just one skein We have a couple of the other one skein knitting books like And Sometimes its just fun to do a fast craft. Also, it is so much …


Waiting for Baby

In case you haven’t read the news on Facebook yet. We had a false alarm… no baby to report yet. Baby and mom are doing fine… baby is just content to stay put for the moment, so we wait. Gammy (aka Kimara) packed up and headed out of state earlier than she had planned but …


How to Join Wool Yarn

You can join 100% Wool Yarn for you knitting and weaving projects without having to weave in ends. The following excerpt was taken from our Knitting Tower post… but it is a useful trick that we wanted to be able to reference on its own. In case you are wondering how I join my yarn together …


Little Lady’s Sweater and Hat

EDIT: Okay… this is probably going to tell you more about my personality than anything else I've ever done before… I couldn't live with the dark photos and I re-shot them! (If you didn't see the post earlier, here is the note I included. You can see one of the nasty photos down below: NOTE: Yes… the photos are rather dark. Took the photos last night, went to …


Update on Little Lady’s W.I.P.

Last day of January already… yikes! It's been a busy week, but I have made time to work on the new sweater for the Little Lady. I shared a link to the pattern last week… a lovely sweater knit in 1 piece. I've finished the back, one sleeve, and half of another. Cruisin' 🙂 I was going to make a skirt to go …