
Share the Love!

EDIT: Michelle just added a bunch of new buttons to our site and I wanted to make sure everyone saw them. Want a little Wee Folk Art on your blog? Just pick your favorite button (how to decide on one is a problem, right?) and follow her directions below, and you can take a wee …


Completed Treasure Pouches

I just finished Bug’s and Fairy’s treasure pouches. The kids love them. It was fun creating designs to match their personal tastes and they really were quick to throw together. I will now work on a tutorial and will hopefully get it posted soon!   These will definitely be useful on their next walkabout! Click here …


Plenty of Fabric

Okay, I got a little carried away. There were so many pretty batik patterns I got a few more than I needed. It’s okay. I ALWAYS can come up with ways to use them. I enjoyed making the treasure pouch so much I think I’ll make a few to put in our store.


Treasure Pouch

While drinking my cup of tea this morning, I was thinking about the grandbabies need for bigger pockets on nature walks. I decided to throw together something they could use for collecting treasures. I wanted to make it small enough to be uncumbersome, and unlike a backpack, something they could get to easily. I made …

Memories & Musings

Need a Bigger Pocket!

I love going on walk-abouts with children. EVERYTHING is so fascinating to them. Bugs and rocks, fungus and tracks captivate their imagination and provide fodder for an insurmountable barrage of questions. And I’ve yet to go on a nature walk with a child who has not found some priceless treasure. Sparkly rocks, a cardinal feather, …

Blog Info


No matter how you happened to stumble upon this blog you are most certainly welcome! This blog is written by a mother/daughter team. Although our personalities and personal style differ, we hold true to the same values. Family and home, crafting and creating, guide us through our days. The purpose of Wee Folk Art is …

Family Life

Planting in the Hoof Prints

We finally got the veggie beds ready to plant. I’ve been working at digging them out the last couple weekends and Sunday we moved some top soil in from a bunch of old planter boxes we are removing from elsewhere in the yard. We set up the sprinkler to test out the coverage and left nice, wet, loose …


Mouse Paint

Normally art around here is basically free play. We get out the paints, play dough or crayons with little to no direction. But today I decided we were going to make more of lesson out it. So with aprons on, paper in front of them, I read the story “Mouse Paint” by Ellen Walsh. I …


Woolly Bear Caterpillar

A couple weeks ago ‘A’ found a Woolly Bear Caterpillar in the backyard. A great find in any little boy’s world! We gave him a nice home for the night, looked up what type of winged creature he would turn into and then set him free in the morning. I wasn’t totally up on what …