Family Life

A Wee One’s Wedding

Michelle and I will be off for several days as we head to the Thousand Islands Region of Alexandria Bay, New York. My son Adam, and his lovely fiancee, Raewyn, are getting married! YAY! Just like Adam and Raewyn, their wedding plans are truly unique, and we are looking forward to several days in a beautiful part of the country, lots of family …

Applique Patterns Directory

Snail Applique Block

Although snails might not be welcomed visitors in your garden, they are certainly a sign of summer! And, if they are not ravishing your tender young plants, they are cute as… well, cute as a bug's ear 🙂 I know the wee ones are fascinated with snails, and the geek in me always marvels at the the mathematical formula, The Fibonacci sequence, that is visible in the spiral in a snail's shell. [Want to know more about …


Knit Afghan for the Little Guy

If you happened to miss it, my DIL Meghan is pregnant with baby number 2. She is due August 31. So… the Little Lady will be a BIG sister to her brother, the Little Guy 🙂 Now that I've managed to make some time for myself, I've set to work making some special things for LG.  A while back, I asked for help coming up with …

Applique Patterns Directory

Painter’s Palette Applique Block

FYI… Tim and I are off for a long weekend with Little Lady and her Mommy and Daddy. We will be back mid week. We hope everyone in the States has a wonderful and safe Memorial Day Weekend. And… if you’re NOT in the States… we still hope you have a lovely weekend 😉 Do you have a budding artist in the family? (Perhaps it’s you 🙂 …


No Sense of Urgency

“I don’t see much sense in that,” said Rabbit. “No,” said Pooh humbly, “there isn’t. But there was going to be when I began it. It’s just that something happened to it along the way.” …from Winnie the Pooh  Michelle and I have decided that we will not be reopening Wee Folk Art Market Place. And, we will be …

Blog Info

A Very Quick Update on Our Family

First off… Michelle and I can’t begin to thank everyone enough for all of your kind words, uplifting thoughts and all the prayers we’ve received on our blog, Facebook and emails. The day after we shared with readers, my mom called me, all weepy and said, “Did you see everything all those kind people wrote on your blog?” “Yes, Mom. I did.” “Funny, somehow it helps.” Funny …

Blog Info

Family Leave

I’m sitting here right now trying to decide how much of our personal life I want to share online, but I feel like I need to give some explanation for our actions. Our family is going through a difficult time right now, and it is impossible trying to keep a quality online presence while we are entrenched in a family crisis. Had we known what the near future had in …


Shop :: Hours Update

Due to many requests, Wee Folk Art Market Place in now open all day, everyday. That way, you can place orders whenever you like. To keep our lives from spinning out of control, we will only ship twice a week.  We are now accepting international orders. For everyone outside of the US, please make sure to read about our SHIPPING POLICY before you place an order. If you have any questions concerning …


Shop :: Bags and Fair Trade

Do you have any idea how much fun it is collecting things for the shop? It’s AWESOME! As we are putting together the shop and making it our own, we think about the things we like and use, and those things we think our readers will like, which not amazingly, is very similar 🙂 Having said that… Michelle and I try to be conscientious consumers. We like …