
Jack-o-Lantern Buckets

My mom came up with the idea for these Jack-o-Lantern Buckets. She was planning to make a couple for herself (see hers at Wee Folk Art) and thought that the kids would like to make some to use for trick-or-treating. She assembled all the supplies for us and we enjoyed a craft afternoon at her …

*Clean Up

Braided Barrettes

My children were little kiddos during the 80s. Michelle wore a jean jacket covered in pins, slouchy socks, and side ponytails. I also made her about a million sets of braided barrettes… colors to match every outfit! Funny, I made so many of these puppies I seriously think I could have braided them in my …


Autumn Tree Nature Study

We took advantage of a beautiful afternoon yesterday and completed our Fall Tree Nature Study. We haven’t be doing any of the Handbook of Nature Study Blog Challenges since the spring and we had a lot of fun getting started again. The kids each got to pick new trees for this year. Fairy picked her …

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Favorite Fall Recipes

Have a recipe that just screams Fall? That one recipe that triggers the changing of the season? Might be a baked good, might be a hardy stew. If you’d like to share it with us and our readers, email the recipe to us at weefolkart@yahoo.com. Include your name, can be a user name, your blog if …


Desktop Wallpapers

I am beyond excited about our latest addition to Wee Folk Art. Michelle took a couple of our fall projects and turned them into desktop wallpapers. Personally, I’ve been using some of our photos as wallpaper for some time, but she actually took the time to do it right! So, if you’d like to get …


Free Desktop Wallpapers

Here are some Free Desktop Wallpapers that you can download to dress up your computer. We will occasionally be adding images so check back for seasonal updates. To get your Wee Folk Art Wallpaper: First pick out your favorite image. Then choose your screen size. Click on the link. When the whole images loads, right …