Coloring Pages

Cheerful Sunflower Coloring Page

Here is our Cheerful Sunflower Applique Block turned into a Cheerful Sunflower Coloring Page. You can see I’ve taken the sunflower out of the corner and completed the leaves and stem. You can find the Cheerful Sunflower Coloring Page HERE. You can find the Cheerful Sunflower Applique Block HERE. You can find the October Applique …


Twisted Bracelets

This week my Fairy-Girl will be hitting double digits. We were lucky enough to celebrate her birthday along with her little cousin’s 4th birthday this past weekend. She got some amazing things, including the top two items on her wish list, a gym mat for acro practice and most importantly a home pedicure spa bath …


Renaissance Festival 2014

One of our family’s autumn traditions is enjoying a day at the Renaissance Festival. The last weekend of the season always includes a “school day” when the tickets are much more affordable and the crowds are much sparser. Although Daddy had to work this year, we convinced Gammy and Othy to join us in the …


Wrapped Rope Jewelry

I had some yarn left over from making this Tooterphant. It is NOT my pattern. HERE is the link to the Etsy shop where you can purchase the crochet pattern. HERE is the link to my blog post where you can find more photos of the Tooterphant plus directions for adding felt eyes.  Like I said, I had …