
My Craft Room Tour

  It’s always fun to get a peek at other people’s crafting spaces. I am so very fortunate to have a whole room of my own. Here’s my craft room. It is in our basement. I opted to leave my ceiling unfinished and spray painted it white. This gives the room a lot of light …

Family Life

February Baby Sweater

If you have been knitting awhile you have probably heard of Elizabeth Zimmermann. If you haven’t heard of her already then you are in for a real treat, and trust me you will encounter one of her patterns at some point. She is the universal grandmother of knitting for modern knitters. Her books are written …


Our Fairy Welcomes Autumn

Just in time for our Annual Pumpkin Carving party, Fairy received her Earth in Autumn leaf mask from Mythical Designs. It is beyond lovely, and seems to magically transform our Fairy girl into a sprite of the season. Today we will be busily prepping for our autumn party, which like most celebrations includes baking, oh …


The Gift of Caring (For)

Many years ago I gave my friend some mittens for Christmas. I still remember them. I used the same yarn for both mittens, but knit different patterns into each so they were mismatched. They were whimsical and beautiful. My friend loved them. About a month later I got a teary phone call from her. She had …


Drawing Mushrooms

Although we like to draw by studying our nature finds, I find it helpful to have the kids watch some “how to draw” videos and tutorials when we approach a new subject. When we are doing a nature study we are helping to train the eye to see shapes, colors, and other details. When we …