
A Peek at My Latest

Dressed in her finest, Gertrude and her family are ready to walk into town to celebrate with the villagers. They have spent the last 3 days preparing; washing and mending, gathering and baking. The children could speak of little else, and Gertrude, along with her husband, have shared tales of celebrations from their childhood. Now, they are ready to go! I am very …


Finished Funky Chair

Just 2 short weeks ago I shared my plans to turn a give-away chair into a “funky” master piece. I had a vision, but knew I tend to procrastinate on these types of projects. I decided if I announced my intentions here, I’d feel compelled to complete the project in a timely fashion. And, tah …



Since I haven’t actually completed any project this week, thought I might share what I’ve been up to. First, I’ve been busy with my funky chair. And when I say funky, I really mean FUNKY! Here is a sneak peek of just a corner. Trust me, the whole chair is busy, busy, busy, but I’m …