Yummy Recipes

Chicken and Rice Soup

Remember… If you would like to share your favorite chicken soup recipe with our readers, just email us the recipe, along with a little something about the soup, your website, if you have one, and a pic is available. It’s always so much fun to "swap" recipes with friends! Sue, over at Happy Healthy Cooking, …


Traditional Snowflakes

You don’t need to wait for a blizzard to play in a Winter Wonderland… not if you make your own indoor snowstorm! Grab a sharp pair of scissors and doilies, and before it know it, it will be snowing inside! Materials: Doilies – different sizes Transparent Nylon thread Laminating film or clear glossy contact paper (optional) …


Traditional Snowflakes

The 2 earliest crafts I remember making are paper chains, held together with a flour paste my mom made, and snowflakes. I can remember folding construction paper into eighths, instead of sixths, because eighths were easier to fold, and cutting through 8 layers of construction paper with those blunt end, dull school scissors. I can …


Community Knitting Basket

Just about everyone I know knits. If they didn’t know how to before meeting me, chances are I’ll be teaching them. Although I am a multi-crafter, knitting is often my "go to" craft I use for television watching, chatting with friends, or waiting in doctors’ offices. It’s neat, easy to pack up, and if you …


In the Land of the Pharaohs

Bug, Fairy and Pixie are learning about Ancient Egypt. When they needed a pyramid, and needed one fast, we got out the Big Bucket-O-Legos and started building. After about an hour, the five of us… Bug, Fairy, Pixie, Mommy and Gammy, constructed a pyramid we were all pretty darn proud of. When we were done, …


When the Cows Come Home

January, February and March are the months Michelle and I decorate. It is post holidays and before the gardens call us outdoors. Below is a post from One Generation to Another, first published June 8, 2008. We decided this would be a great time to share this because we will be doing our handprint project next week. Watch for the handprints below!  I have …

Memories & Musings

Preserving Memories

When my youngest was in first grade, I converted our walk-out into a 2 room school house. For the next 10 years I ran a preschool program from our home offering children, and my family, "the best of both worlds". I’ll talk more about my preschool, aptly named "Wee Care" at another time. But for today, I …