
W.I.P. Coiled Rag Bowl

This summer the son of my dear friend is getting married. I wanted to make something for a shower gift and I immediately thought of the Coiled Rag Bowl. This bowl can fit any decor depending on the colors. I went to their registry at Pottery Barn. I made a copy of the stack of …


A Child’s Dream Come True Giveaway!

EDIT: The winner’s of this giveaway are announced HERE. EDIT: The giveaway is now over. The winner will be announced tomorrow, 5/9/11. Good luck to everyone that entered, and thanks again, Debbie! Whenever we get a new sponsor, we love to introduce them and their shops to our readers. Because of a series of unlikely happenstances, we …


Tuna Can Pincushions

The other day my sister-in-law, Jennifer, gave me this “swell” (my daughter-in-law Meghan and I have decided to bring “swell” back into everyday use… it really is a “swell” word, but I digress!) Where was I, oh yes, Jennifer gave me this swell bottle top pincushion.   Isn’t it cute as a bug’s ear? I LOVE it. …


Grab Bag Giveaway Winners!

First off, we would like to thank everyone for your kind words and understanding. Obviously, we love WFA, but hearing that you do too means the world to us! And we really aren’t taking a “vacation” from WFA but slowing down. Some weeks it may hardly be noticeable, but other weeks we may be obviously …


Little Lady Eye Candy :)

Tim and I just spent the past few days with the Adorable Little Lady and her equally cute Mommy and Daddy! It was wonderful, but as always, as I lost site of their house upon our departure… Niagara Falls! Unbelievably hard to say goodbye each and every time! But enough of that nonsense 🙂 We had a …


Spring Bouquet Kit Winners

The Winners are Nicole One Hook and Meghan G! Submitted by Nicole One Hook (not verified) on Wed, 04/06/2011 – 10:47. What a difficult choice! I think I’d go with cotton candy, robin egg’s blue, and mellow yellow. Here’s hoping! Thanks for the great giveaway. and Submitted by Meghan G (not verified) on Sun, 04/10/2011 …